Officer decisions

The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 requires a written record to be made of any decision that has been delegated to an officer or Council under specific express authorisation or under any general authorisation where the effect of the decision is “to grant permissions or licences, affect the rights of individuals, award contracts or incur expenditure which materially affects the Council’s financial position”.

The Council’s officer scheme of delegation can be viewed in Part 3 of the Council’s Constitution

A copy of any written record of decision and supporting papers may be made available for inspection at the Council’s offices or may be sent by post upon payment of charges for copying and postage. If you wish to take up either of these options please contact Governance Support on (01803 207087 or

Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Alternatively you can visit the decisions by Cabinet, committees, etc page for information on decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Officer decisions
Title Date
Off Street Amendment Order No7 2024 – New conditions relating to the My Bay parking permit scheme (off street parking places) 04/12/2024
Household Support Fund (HSF) 6 - Revised Decision 2 28/11/2024
Risk Management Policy 26/11/2024
Hearing Impairment Units 18/10/2024
Hearing Impairment Units - Revised Decision 18/10/2024