Issue details

Future Libraries Report - Regional Joint Working Programme for Cultural Services

The report will look at recommendations due to be published in February 2011 by the South West Local Authorities Cultural Forum on their Adapt to Survive efficiency and improvement programme. A number of areas were identified to explore options to provide a sub regional and/or regional working arrangements which would reduce cost and make the services run more efficiently. The programme is looking at options for cross border working for libraries, arts and museum curatorial support services, and locality frameworks within the Big Society programme model to support service areas across the South West region. This forms part of the Council’s programme – ‘People, Place, Partnership, Productivity’ which will reshape the continuity and service provision over the next four years.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Partnership involving transfer of Council services or element of risk transfer;

Decision status: Abandoned

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 27 Sep 2012 by Council

Lead member: Executive Lead for Harbours, Culture and the Arts

Lead director: Charles Uzzell

Contact: Sue Cheriton, Executive Head of Residents and Visitor Services Email:

Consultation process

Circulation of the final report with the recommendations from the South West Local Authorities Cultural Partnership


All Wards (once the report has been completed) and Place Policy Development Group

Reason for inclusion in Forward Plan: The proposals will look at regional and sub regional structures to deliver services across local authority areas or in partnership arrangements with neighbouring authorities. This is expected to deliver improved and more efficient services within the cultural departments.

Key Risks: With the different local authorities involved, there will be priorities, different structures, systems and delivery models. It is important to ensure all authorities are signed up to a contract arrangement so that long term delivery can be secured on the services that are proposed are shared across boundaries.

If you want to make representations contact:: Sue Cheriton, telephone (01803) 207972, fax (01803) 207981, email