Issue details

Torbay Economic Strategy

Report summarising the updated Torbay Economic Strategy 2013-18 reflecting the need to prioritise job creation. The recommendation is that members approve the adoption of the strategy.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Policy Framework;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 18 Jul 2013 by Council

Lead member: Elected Mayor

Lead director: Steve Parrock, Charles Uzzell

Contact: Alan Denby TDA Email: Tel: 208671.

Consultation process

The business community have been consulted through the Business Barometer questionnaire and will be consulted again prior to the strategy going to Council. The strategy will be going to overview and scrutiny on 13th March.


Overview and Scrutiny

Reason for inclusion in Forward Plan: The strategy sets outs the economic challenges faced by Torbay and how these can be addressed with an overarching aim of job creation. It suggests a comprehensive package of activity which if implemented will support the Torbay economy to grow.

Key Risks: There have been significant changes since the last economic strategy was approved in 2010. Failure to address this could result in Torbay being less competitive in securing funding for projects which will create jobs.

If you want to make representations contact:: Suzie Masterman, Postal address 3rd Floor Torhill House, Torquay, TQ2 5QW, Tel 01803 207922, email

Agenda items