
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

25/04/2024 - Commissioning of Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health Services ref: 5466    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 30/04/2024

Effective from: 08/05/2024


That, subject to none of the specification, the budget nor the procurement processes proposed being materially different from what is outlined in the submitted report, the Director for Public Health be given delegated authority to award the contract for integrated sexual and reproductive health services to the successful provider, upon conclusion of the procurement process and in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult and Community Services, Public Health and Inequalities.

25/04/2024 - Report of the Children and Young People's Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board - Schools Mental Health Programme ref: 5471    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 29/04/2024

Effective from: 08/05/2024


That the Schools Mental Health Programme report and Cabinet’s response to the Children and Young People’s Overview and Scrutiny Sub Board recommendations in respect of the Schools Mental Health Programme be approved as published.

25/04/2024 - Devolution – Deal for Devon and Torbay ref: 5465    Recommendations Approved

Torbay Council, alongside Devon County Council, is currently negotiating a Devolution Deal for Devon and Torbay. This would include the creation of Combined County Authority.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 29/04/2024

Effective from: 25/04/2024


That Cabinet recommends that the Council:


(a)          Thanks all those who responded to the consultation, for the time they gave in considering the draft proposal and in preparing responses to it;


(b)          Considers the analysis of the responses (Appendix A) on the draft proposal for the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority showing the variety, breadth and range of views expressed;


(c)          Approves the proposal (Appendix B) for the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority (DT CCA) for submission to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, taking into consideration and having due regard to the consultation responses and the Public Sector Equality Duty;


(d)          Delegates authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to consent to the making of the necessary Regulations to create the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority thereby implementing and giving effect to the proposal, subject to those Regulations reflecting the principles in the proposal document and this report;


(e)          Notes that, subject to the approval of the proposal and making of Regulations, the Council will give consideration to a draft constitution for the DT CCA in September 2024; and


(f)           Notes that Devon County Council will be asked to support the establishment of the Team Devon Joint Committee and with the proposed terms of reference being considered by Devon County Council in September 2024.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

25/04/2024 - Governance and Commissioning Review of Local Authority Company - SWISCo ref: 5469    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 29/04/2024

Effective from: 08/05/2024


1.                 That the Cabinet approves the adoption and implementation with immediate effect of the recommendations as set out in Appendix 1 of the Governance and Commissioning Review of SWISCo (Section 7, 1-12.);


2.                 That the Cabinet approves the extension of the commissioning of SWISCo, as a wholly owned company of the Council to carry out the works specified in SWISCo Commissioning Agreements for a further 5 year period between 1st April 2025 and 31st March 2030; and


3.                 That the Director of Pride in Place in consultation with the Director of Finance and Cabinet Member for Pride in Place, Culture & Events and Parking be delegated authority to approve any revisions to the Councils commissioning agreement with SWISCo to the 31st March 2030.

25/04/2024 - The Provision of Independent Health Complaints Advocacy in Torbay ref: 5468    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 29/04/2024

Effective from: 08/05/2024


That the contract for Independent Health NHS Complaints Advocacy be awarded to the preferred supplier named in Exempt Appendix 1 to the submitted report.

25/04/2024 - Award of Contract for Civil Enforcement System (Parking Notice and Permit Processing System) ref: 5467    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 29/04/2024

Effective from: 08/05/2024


That the Contract for Civil Enforcement System (Parking Notice and Permit Processing System) be awarded to the successful Applicant as set out in Exempt Appendix 1 to the submitted report.

16/04/2024 - Household Support Fund (HSF) 5 ref: 5470    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 25/04/2024

Effective from: 16/04/2024


That the Household Support Fund (HSF5) for 6 months from 1 April 2024 be allocated as follows:


1.    Food vouchers issued through Family Hub £50,000.

2.    Care experienced young people £43,400.

3.    Financial support for households with acute financial challenges (All household types, applications via partners) £110,000

4.    Households with a low disposable income, who are not in receipt of welfare benefits (households with children and disabled people) £22,000.

5.    Households, who are in receipt of welfare benefits (households with children and disabled people) £479,000.

6.    Essential linked to energy and water e.g., warm clothing, ovens, for those in receipt of a disability benefit or children under 5 £30,000.

7.    Provision of additional debt and benefit advice £63,757.

8.    Food banks £94,000.

9.    Social supermarkets £77,000.

10. Housing costs to households that are homeless or at risk of homelessness that fall out of scope of other schemes £170,000.

11. Ringfence £86,000 for administrative expenses.