Issue - decisions

Children's Services Strategic Quartet

17/11/2020 - Establishment of Children's Services Strategic Quartet

(i)         that a Children’s Services Strategic Quartet be established with the following membership and terms of reference:




·         Chief Executive – Chair;

·         Director of Children’s Services;

·         Cabinet Member for Children’s Services; and

·         Leader of Torbay Council.


Terms of Reference:


1.            To provide key leadership across the Council to improve outcomes for children.


2.            To ensure the whole Council supports children and young people.


3.            To provide strategic oversight in respect of the performance and risks associated with Children’s Services and ensure that appropriate action is taken in a timely manner, to include:


·         the number of allocated children to workforce;

·         recruitment and retention percentages;

·         how we ensure voice of the child informs quality assurance; and

·         complaints and compliments.


4.            To provide a forum for open discussion, support and challenge to ensure the best outcomes for children and young people.


(ii)        that the frequency of meetings be every six weeks, normally the week prior to the Children’s Improvement Board; and


(iii)       that the Children’s Commissioner, Nigel Richardson, to be invited to every other meeting and a representative of the Safeguarding Partnership Board (to be determined by the Executive) be invited to attend meetings of the Quartet once every six months, plus by exception.