Issue - decisions

Proposed Council Tax Support Scheme 2021/22

20/11/2020 - Proposed Council Tax Support Scheme 2021/22

That Cabinet recommends to Council:


i)          that the Council Tax Support Scheme for 2021/2022 be approved;


ii)         that Council notes the scheme includes the standard annual uprating of the personal allowances and premiums.  That these values take into account the statutory inflationary increase in personal allowances used to calculate entitlement to Council Tax Support.  That Council further notes that the Council Tax Support Scheme for 2021/2022 has been aligned with the Governments amended prescribed requirements for pensioners that came into force on 11 February 2020.


iii)        that Personal Allowances and Premiums, used to calculate Council Tax Support, are uprated from 1 April 2021 in line with the prescribed Pensioner scheme and national working-age benefits, which are both set by the Government; and


iv)        that the Chief Finance Officer be given delegated authority, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate and Community Services, to make any further adjustments required to the Exceptional Hardship Policy and fund.