Issue - decisions

Echo Building, St James Road, Torquay - Consideration of Community Proposal

20/09/2019 - Echo Building, St James Road, Torquay - Consideration of Community Proposal

(i)         that the Interim Director of Place be requested to explore with King’s Arms Church Charity if it would be more appropriate to enter into a long lease at nil cost to the charity to enable them to invest the proposed £30,000 purchase cost, in delivering community projects sooner, especially in respect of work around foster carers, and if this is a more appropriate option to revise the report to Council to reflect this proposal which was supported by the Cabinet; and


(ii)        that, subject to the outcome of (i) above, the Cabinet recommend to the Council that the Interim Director of Place, in consultation with the Chief Executive, be authorised to dispose of the freehold interest of land and building known as the Echo Building, St James Road, Torquay, as shown on Plan EM3127 set out at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, at below market value to the King’s Arms Church Charity.  The disposal will include a suitable provision that will enable the Council to recover any uplift in value should the community group dispose of the building at a future point for any alternative use.