Agenda item

Application to re-designate a Torquay Neighbourhood Forum

To consider the recommendation of the Cabinet in respect of the application to re-designate a Torquay Neighbourhood Forum.


The Council considered the recommendations of the Cabinet on the proposed re-designation of the Torquay Neighbourhood Forum.  An application was submitted to Torbay Council as the Local Planning Authority, to re-designate a Torquay Neighbourhood Forum for the existing Neighbourhood Area, comprising the Wards of Barton with Watcombe, Cockington with Chelston, Ellacombe, St. Marychurch, Tormohun and Wellswood.  Re-designation of the Torquay Neighbourhood Forum would be for a period of five years, covering the Torquay Community Partnership Areas listed in the application and Torquay Wards listed above.  Following the Cabinet’s recommendations, an officer supplement to the report was circulated providing evidence requested by the Cabinet.


Councillor Cowell proposed and Councillor Long seconded a motion, which was agreed (unanimously) by the Council as set out below:


1.         that following consideration of all representations received at the close of consultation on 23 January 2023 and that a refreshed Torquay Neighbourhood Forum (TNF) Constitution has been received (22 February 2023); that the Torquay Neighbourhood Forum be designated as the Neighbourhood Planning body (“Qualifying Body”) for the existing/previously approved Torquay Neighbourhood Area; and


2.         that the following amendments are made to the proposed Neighbourhood Forum’s Constitution to support the transparency of the forum in response to the concerns raised during the consultation:


i)          to fulfil Sections 6.4, 7.3 and 7.4 of the Constitution: The Forum provide an undertaking to publish on a website, appropriate and timely manner: meeting agendas, minutes and associated documents (where appropriate) within a reasonable period;


ii)         in Section 3.6 to modify wording to “other areas of Torbay” instead of reference to Paignton and Brixham only; and


iii)        in Section 4.1 to modify wording to “automatically eligible as members”, including eligible, to reflect that membership is voluntary as set out in Section 4.2.


(Note:  the changes outlined in resolution 2 above were received on 1 March 2023.)

Supporting documents: