Agenda item

Motor homes/Camper vans parking issue


KM advised that one of the potential solutions that could be implemented to help resolve the issues with motor homes/camper vans parking in certain areas, is to implement new parking charges in the roads concerned where the vehicles would be required to pay for parking. 


KM confirmed to all for information that it is not an offence to sleep in a vehicle, however it is an offence to deposit any waste onto the highway.


KM advised that he is aware of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) that was implemented in Battery Gardens which prohibited the parking of motorhomes in this area, which can be introduced into the problematic areas. This would also require enforcement to be carried out in the areas during the prohibited times.  However, the TRO will need to be specific about the classification of vehicles that are prohibited from parking i.e. motorhomes, so issues will still arise with vehicles that have a different classification and have been converted into camper vans/motorhomes.


KM asked all for their views on the way forward that officers can take away for progressing to see what can be agreed.


NB provided an update on issues that were experienced in Wellswood last summer with someone who had parked in a motorhome for 5 weeks and was carrying out activities that were upsetting residents in the area. NB is asking on behalf of residents for a parking ban to be introduced from 10 pm to 8 am for vehicles in the area. A resident has carried out some investigations into available parking legislation and has found that there is parking legislation that can be enforced.


IJ advised that he is taking legal advice on this suggested legislation as it is not something that has been used by the authority previously. ACTION – IJ to update NB.


JO’D asked if it was possible to introduce restrictions by vehicle size and IJ advised no that it is not possible to do so.


AB asked for an update on the issues that were experienced last summer of the travellers on Paignton Green/Corbyn Head and how this is going to be resolved for this year. KM advised that it is not possible to provide a 100% guarantee that TC can stop illegal encampments. KM advised that one issue experienced last year was where third parties who were allowed access to these areas left the gates unlocked which allowed the illegal encampment. New improved padlocks have been purchased and will be introduced next month, along with a new padlocked gate onto Paignton green, but these will be of no help if the gate is left open.


CL commented that he believes that the implementation of the TRO’s would be the best idea and ward councillors can be contacted to provide the lists of road names where there are particular problems.

It was agreed an email will be sent to all members to request that an email is sent to KM with a list of problematic roads that he and MM will review to look to implement TRO’s – ACTION – KM/LS


NB raised that he and the residents in Wellswood would like to see a TRO to provide restriction on overnight parking of any vehicles due to the issues that have been experienced. IJ confirmed that yes this type of order can be implemented. NB will write to MM/KM/IJ with this request in writing. ACTION - NB


DT updated that he has searched on the internet and found that Council’s in Scarborough and Whitby have introduced policies to resolve similar issues. ACTION -IJ/SH to review these policies.