Agenda item

Budget Monitoring 2020/21 - Quarter Four - Outturn

To consider the recommendations of the Cabinet in respect of the high-level budget summary of the Council’s final revenue and capital position for the financial year 2020/21.


The Council considered the recommendation of the Cabinet and the submitted report which provided a high-level budget summary of the Council’s final revenue and capital position for the financial year 2020/21.


Councillor Cowell proposed and Councillor Steve Darling seconded a motion, as set out below:


1.      that Council notes that the following revenue outturn actions were agreed as a part of the February 2021 budget decisions:


a)   Establishing a £1.6m Covid-19 Reserve to deal with the continuing impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic;


b)    Allocating £3.5m to fund the Collection Fund Deficit;


c)   Increasing the General Fund Reserve by £0.5m which moves the Council closer to having a General Fund of 5% of its net revenue budget;


d)    Additional £0.5m funding to support SWISCo;  and


e)    An allocation of £1.0m toward Community and Corporate plan priorities;


2.      that the Council approves the additional carry forward of £2.8m being used as follows;


a)   A further £1.0m towards Community and Corporate plan priorities as set out in Appendix 2 to the submitted report;


b)   £1.7m towards earmarked service specific reserves to support transformation and improvement work for digital improvements for the Council’s services including the contact centre and further support for SWISCo;


c)    £0.1m towards the General Fund Reserve;  and


d)    Allocate an underspend of £0.960m on Concessionary Fares on travel/road related matters as set out in Appendix 3 to the submitted report;  and


3.      that the Council approves the use of £0.9m of the profiled capital receipt for the disposal of land at Collaton St Mary as set out in Appendix 4 to the submitted report.


During the debate Councillor Barrand proposed and Councillor Foster seconded an amendment to the motion as follows:


2.c)     £0.1m towards the General Fund Reserve being allocated to reinstate the Harbour Reserve Fund (this builds on the recommendation of the Overview and Scrutiny Board made at its meeting on 14 July 2021 to be presented to the Cabinet on 24 August 2021);


During the debate, Councillor Cowell and Councillor Steve Darling accepted the amendment with further changes, which were then incorporated in the original motion and agreed by the Council (unanimously) as set out below:


1.      that Council notes that the following revenue outturn actions were agreed as a part of the February 2021 budget decisions:


a)   Establishing a £1.6m Covid-19 Reserve to deal with the continuing impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic;


b)   Allocating £3.5m to fund the Collection Fund Deficit;


c)   Increasing the General Fund Reserve by £0.5m which moves the Council closer to having a General Fund of 5% of its net revenue budget;


d)   Additional £0.5m funding to support SWISCo;  and


e)    An allocation of £1.0m toward Community and Corporate plan priorities;


2.      that the Council approves the additional carry forward of £2.8m being used as follows;


a)   A further £1.0m towards Community and Corporate plan priorities as set out in Appendix 2 to the submitted report;


b)  £1.7m towards earmarked service specific reserves to support transformation and improvement work for digital improvements for the Council’s services including the contact centre and further support for SWISCo;


c)   £0.1m being allocated to reinstate the Harbour Reserve Fund, with the Cabinet requested to review in Autumn 2021 the adequate resourcing of the Harbour function;  and


d)   Allocate an underspend of £0.960m on Concessionary Fares on travel/road related matters as set out in Appendix 3 to the submitted report;  and


3.      that the Council approves the use of £0.9m of the profiled capital receipt for the disposal of land at Collaton St Mary as set out in Appendix 4 to the submitted report.


(Note:  During the debate a recorded vote on the amendment was requested, but subsequently withdrawn.)

Supporting documents: