Agenda item


To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meetings of a Sub-Committee held on 20 February, 21 May, 18 June, 23 July, 6 August, 8 October, 19 and 26 November, 3 and adjourned meeting on 3 December, 10 and 21 December 2020, 14 January, 18 February and 8 April 2021.


The Minutes of the meetings of the Sub-Committee held on 20 February, 21 May, 18 June, 23 July, 6 August, 8 October, 19 and 26 November, 3 and adjourned meeting on 3 December, 10 and 21 December 2020, 14 January, 18 February and 8 April 2021 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

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