Agenda item

Higher Needs Recovery Group

Rachael Williams


Rachael Williams shared with members a report from the Higher Needs Recovery Group. The group has met twice since the last Forum, and after discussions on the management of pupil movements and business cases for both the Play Torbay project and an additional area based provision for six pupils currently out of area, the following recommendations were bought to Forum for discussion:


1.    To accept the business case for establishing an enhanced resource base to reintegrate children from out of area provisions. This would be managed by PCSA for Key Stage 3 students, at the Yalberton site.


2.    To run a pilot programme with the Youth Trust/Play Torbay securing effective reintegration into mainstream settings from alternative provision. This programme would run from 9-12 weeks and be managed by Play Torbay. The students would benefit from a programme that includes support from parents and an offer outside term dates.


3.    To adopt a proposal that all schools have an expectation that they will accept a limit of children on managed moves or reintegrating from alternative provision. There will be an agreed limit which is intended to ensure equity and clarity the places available to the Pupil Referral Panel under Fair Access. The proposed figure is 3% of the school role for each year based on the October school census.


These recommendations were discussed at the first Higher Needs Recovery Group meeting held on 19th April, and approved by members of Schools Forum in an email communication the following week. The following recommendations were discussed at this Forum:


4.    To use the MFG as a mechanism for recoupment of Permanent Exclusions.


Members recognised that there has been a cultural change in schools around exclusions, and felt that implementing this at the start of the next academic year would lead to a more inclusive approach because of the financial impact.


Yes – 13

No – 0

Abstain – 1



5.    To adopt a ‘managed transfer’ process to support the movement of pupils outside of admissions round.


Yes – 13

No – 0

Abstain – 1



6.    To task officers with creating a full business plan for the recovery of the higher needs deficit using a combined approach of limiting commissioned numbers at special schools and alternative provisions, reviewing Element 3 ‘top up’ payments , and seeking a virement application via Schools Forum or a disapplication to the Secretary of State. The full business case would be presented to Schools Forum and if agreed would be consulted upon with the sector in September/October 2018.


Rachael Williams will be meeting with Finance Colleagues from Hampshire County Council to assist with capacity in writing this business case. This will be brought back to HNRG at the July meeting, then brought back to Schools Forum in October, after which a full consultation with all schools will then be held.


Yes – 14

No – 0

Abstain – 0



Given the importance of discussions being held at HNRG, members requested that minutes of these meetings be circulated when available, rather than being bought to future Schools Forums.


Action – HNRG minutes to be circulated to all Forum members as soon as possible.






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