Agenda item

Notice of motion

To consider the following motion, notice of which has been given in accordance with Standing Order A14 by the members indicated:


That this Council notes that the proposed building of a ‘Third Harbour’ for Torquay would;-


·         Have a likely cost exceeding £200M;

·         Have an anticipated annual shortfall in revenue of approximately £12.3M (based on £200M capital cost);

·         Likely provide 1% of jobs compared to ship repairing and yacht building (according to the Falmouth Port Masterplan); and

·         Provide only 7.0m of water at chart datum and would thereby exclude all vessels of greater than 6.0m draft.


and therefore this Council instructs officers to cease further activity and expenditure on this project with immediate effect.


Submitted by Councillors Baldrey and Faulkner (J)


Members considered a motion in relation to the building of the third harbour, notice of which was given in accordance with Standing Order A14.


Councillor Baldrey requested additional words be added to his motion which were accepted by Councillor Faulkner (J).


It was proposed by Councillor Baldrey and seconded by Councillor Faulkner (J):


that this Council notes that the proposed building of a ‘Third Harbour’ for Torquay would:


·         have a likely cost exceeding £200m;

·         have an anticipated annual shortfall in revenue of approximately £12.3m (based on £200m capital cost);

·         likely provide 1% of jobs compared to ship repairing and yacht building (according to the Falmouth Port Masterplan); and

·         provide only 7.0m of water at chart datum and would thereby exclude all vessels of greater than 6.0m draft;


and therefore this Council instructs officers to cease further activity and expenditure of harbour resources on this project with immediate effect.


In accordance with Standing Order A14.3(b), the Monitoring Officer advised that the motion would be dealt with by this meeting.


An amendment was proposed by the Mayor and seconded by Councillor Mills:


that this Council supports the principle of a third harbour in Torquay recognising that the project could deliver significant economic benefit to Torbay. The Council supports in principle the proposals for carrying out a series of investigations, as put forward by the Harbour Committee, to test out the feasibility for constructing a third harbour in Torquay and exploring the costs and economic benefits which would be associated with the project.


However, in recognition of the wide range of demands on Council funds, this Council requests the Mayor to instruct officers to delay committing funds to carry out investigations into the Third Harbour and, given the magnitude and scale of this project, plus considering the high public interest in this issue, bring this back to full Council for further consideration before committing any funds.


That this Council requests that the Mayor and Executive Lead for Regeneration, supported by officers and the Torbay Development Agency continue to develop plans within existing resources for bringing forward this project and continues to explore options for funding this investigation, and any resulting construction of the Third Harbour. Options to be explored will include obtaining funds from Government or European grants and seeking a partnership arrangement with private developers.


In accordance with Standing Order A19.4 and at the request of 10 or more councillors, a recorded vote was taken on the amendment. The voting was taken by roll call as follows: For: The Mayor, Councillors Addis, Amil, Barnby, Bent, Brooksbank, Butt, Excell, Hernandez, Hill, Hytche, Kingscote, Lewis, McPhail, Mills, Pritchard, Richards, Scouler and Tyerman (19); Against: Baldrey, Cowell, Darling, Davies, Doggett, Faulkner (A), Faulkner (J), James, Morey, Parrott, Pentney, Pountney and Stockman (13); Abstain: Councillor Ellery and Stringer (2); and Absent: Councillors Stocks, Thomas (D) and Thomas (J) (3). Therefore, the amendment was declared carried.


The substantive motion (the replacement of the original motion with the wording above) was then before Members for consideration.


On being put to the vote, the substantive motion was declared carried.