Agenda item

Revenue Budget 2017/2018

To consider the final recommendations of the Mayor on the Revenue Budget Proposals for 2017/2018.


·       Mayor’s response to objection to Revenue Budget proposals (to follow)

·       Mayor’s Final Budget Proposals

·       Chief Finance Officer’s Report

·       Proposed Budget Digest (including the proposals for service change, income generation and savings)

·       Equality Impact Assessments

·       Proposed Fees and Charges


(see and – agenda for adjourned Council meeting on 9 February 2017)


The Council considered the final Revenue Budget proposals of the Mayor (as set out in the Mayor’s Record of Decision dated 16 February 2017), which he had put forward following his consideration of the objections that were made by the Council at its adjourned meeting on 9 February 2017.


In accordance with legislation, the Chairman advised recorded votes would be taken on the motion and amendments.


Mayor Oliver proposed and Councillor Mills seconded a motion as set out below:


that the Mayor’s original budget proposals presented to Council on 9 February 2017 be recommended to Council, subject to the indicative budget figures for 2018/19 being removed and that these be considered as part of the development of the Revenue Budget for 2018/19, as set out below:


(a)      that the proposals identified for service change, income generation and efficiencies in 2017/2018, as set out in the proposed Revenue Budget Digest (excluding 2018/2019 indicative figures), be approved;


(b)      that the net revenue expenditure of £109.642m resulting in a Council Tax requirement of £60.075m for 2017/2018, a 3.99% increase which includes a 2% increase in Council Tax specifically for adult social care be approved;


(c)      that, in relation to (b) above, the Council’s commitment (by a statement signed by the Chief Financial Officer) to allocate the additional funding of £1.155m raised by the 2% increase in Council Tax to adult social care be confirmed;


(d)      that the Dedicated Schools Grant be used in accordance with the Schools Financial Regulations and that the Chief Finance Officer be authorised to make amendments as required when the final figures are confirmed;


(e)      that, in accordance with the requirement of the Local Government Act 2003, the advice given by the Chief Finance Officer with respect to the robustness of the budget estimates and the adequacy of the Council’s reserves (as set out in the submitted report) be considered and noted;  and


(f)       that is be noted that Brixham Town Council has yet to set its budget for 2017/2018 and this precept, when known, will be included as part of the Torbay Council budget for Council Tax setting purposes.


During the debate and in accordance with Standing Order A14.4, Councillor Thomas (D) proposed and Councillor Robson seconded an amendment to the motion as follows:


(b)      that the net revenue expenditure of £109.642m £110.219m resulting in a Council Tax requirement of £60.075m £60.652 for 2017/2018, a 3.99% 4.99% increase which includes a 2% 3% increase in Council Tax specifically for adult social care be approved;


(c)      that, in relation to (b) above, the Council’s commitment (by a statement signed by the Chief Financial Officer) to allocate the additional funding of £1.155m £1.732m raised by the 2% 3% increase in Council Tax to adult social care be confirmed;


A recorded vote was taken on the amendment.  The voting was taken by roll call as follows:  For:  Amil, Barnby, Bent, Brooks, Bye, Carter, Cunningham, Darling (M), Darling (S), Doggett, Ellery, Excell, Haddock, Hill, King, Kingscote, Lewis, Manning, Mills, Morey, Morris, O’Dwyer, Parrott, Pentney, Robson, Sanders, Stocks, Stubley, Sykes, Thomas (D), Thomas (J), Tolchard Tyerman and Winfield (34);  Abstain:  Mayor Oliver (1);  Absent:  Councillors Stockman and Stringer (2).  Therefore, as more than two-thirds of members present and voting had cast their vote in support of the amendment, it was carried.


During the debate and in accordance with Standing Order A14.4, Councillor Darling (S) proposed and Councillor Pentney seconded a further amendment to the motion as follows:


(a)      that the proposals identified for service change, income generation and efficiencies in 2017/2018, as set out in the proposed Revenue Budget Digest (excluding 2018/2019 indicative figures), be approved, subject to the reallocation of £100,000 contingency fund to underwrite the Air Show as follows:


                    £50,000 for grants given to community led youth        service provision;  and

£50,000 allocated to grounds maintenance of public open spaces


A recorded vote was taken on the amendment.  The voting was taken by roll call as follows:  For: Councillors Darling (M), Darling (S), Doggett, Ellery, Morey, Pentney, Sanders and Stocks (8);  Against:  Mayor Oliver, Councillors Amil, Barnby, Bent, Brooks, Bye, Cunningham, Excell, Haddock, Hill, King, Kingscote, Lewis, Manning, Mills, Morris, O’Dwyer, Parrott, Robson, Stubley, Sykes, Thomas (J), Tolchard, Tyerman and Winfield (25); Abstain:  Councillor Carter (1);  and Absent: Councillors Stockman, Stringer and Thomas (D) (3). Therefore, less than two-thirds of members present and voting cast their vote in support of the amendment and it was declared lost.


During the debate and in accordance with Standing Order A14.4, Councillor Darling (S) proposed and Councillor Sanders seconded a further amendment to the motion as follows:


(a)      that the proposals identified for service change, income generation and efficiencies in 2017/2018, as set out in the proposed Revenue Budget Digest (excluding 2018/2019 indicative figures), be approved, subject to the Mayor's Support Unit budget being reduced by £30,000 and that this budget be reallocated to the Discretionary Housing Payments fund to support the most vulnerable in our community.


A recorded vote was taken on the amendment.  The voting was taken by roll call as follows:  For:  Councillors Carter, Darling (M), Darling (S), Doggett, Ellery, Morey, Pentney, Sanders and Stocks (9);  Against:  Mayor Oliver, Councillors Amil, Barnby, Bent, Brooks, Bye, Cunningham, Excell, Haddock, Hill, King, Kingscote, Lewis, Manning, Mills, Morris, O’Dwyer, Parrott, Robson, Stubley, Sykes, Thomas (D), Thomas (J), Tolchard, Tyerman and Winfield (26);  and Absent: Councillors Stockman and Stringer (2). Therefore, less than two-thirds of members present and voting cast their vote in support of the amendment and it was declared lost.


A recorded vote was taken on the amended (substantive) motion.  The voting was taken by roll call as follows:  For:  Mayor Oliver, Amil, Barnby, Bent, Brooks, Bye, Cunningham, Ellery, Excell, Haddock, Hill, King, Kingscote, Lewis, Manning, Mills, Morris, O’Dwyer, Parrott, Robson, Stubley, Sykes, Thomas (D), Thomas (J), Tolchard, Tyerman and Winfield (27);  Abstain:  Councillors Carter, Darling (M), Darling (S), Doggett, Morey, Pentney, Sanders and Stocks (8);  Absent:  Councillors Stockman and Stringer (2).Therefore, as more than two-thirds of members present and voting had cast their vote in support of the amended (substantive) motion, it was carried as follows:


that the Mayor’s original budget proposals presented to Council on 9 February 2017 be recommended to Council (as amended), subject to the indicative budget figures for 2018/19 being removed and that these be considered as part of the development of the Revenue Budget for 2018/19, as set out below:


(a)      that the proposals identified for service change, income generation and efficiencies in 2017/2018, as set out in the proposed Revenue Budget Digest (excluding 2018/2019 indicative figures), be approved;


(b)      that the net revenue expenditure of £110.219m resulting in a Council Tax requirement of £60.652m for 2017/2018, a 4.99% increase which includes a 3% increase in Council Tax specifically for adult social care be approved;


(c)      that, in relation to (b) above, the Council’s commitment (by a statement signed by the Chief Financial Officer) to allocate the additional funding of £1.732mraised by the 3% increase in Council Tax to adult social care be confirmed;


(d)      that the Dedicated Schools Grant be used in accordance with the Schools Financial Regulations and that the Chief Finance Officer be authorised to make amendments as required when the final figures are confirmed;


(e)      that, in accordance with the requirement of the Local Government Act 2003, the advice given by the Chief Finance Officer with respect to the robustness of the budget estimates and the adequacy of the Council’s reserves (as set out in the submitted report) be considered and noted;  and


(f)       that is be noted that Brixham Town Council has yet to set its budget for 2017/2018 and this precept, when known, will be included as part of the Torbay Council budget for Council Tax setting purposes.


(Note:  Prior to consideration of the Liberal Democrat Group Amendment on the Air Show, Councillor Thomas (D) declared his pecuniary interest and withdrew from the meeting during the debate and voting on this amendment.)

Supporting documents: