Agenda item

Any Other Business (Moved from agenda item 9)


Residents Parking – Warberry Road West

·         Cllr Parrott and Mrs Gayfer (Resident) spoke in favour of introducing Residents Parking in Warberry Road West.  There is currently Residents Parking in Cavern Road where permits are required to park.  However residents are opting to park in Warberry Road West instead of paying to purchase a permit for Cavern Road.  This is creating a knock on effect whereby the residents of Warberry Road West are having difficulty parking on their street. 

·         A petition has been submitted to the Highways Department for a CPZ.  Residents are aware that an additional cost to the permit would initially be charged to cover the implementation costs to make the scheme cost neutral to the Council.

·         IJ responded by advising that the Parking Review is due to be finalised in July 2016, following this, the above item will be considered with respect to the review.  IJ stated that there may be additional costs if external consultants are required to carry out the works as there may be insufficient resources in-house.


Torre Reversal

Resident from Morgan Avenue and Resident from Torre asked the following questions:


1)         Why the works were started and not finished?

2)         How long the road works are going to be outside the Printers Elbow?

3)         Bus stop is now going in but why start before other works are   


4)         No slow marks from Newton end.


·         IJ confirmed there are no intentions of starting and not finishing the scheme.  The main reversal of traffic needed to be implemented with other works to follow.  There are some resource issues regarding a delay to the supply of slabs that are being used for the area which were unforeseen.

·         IJ confirmed the safety issues raised around the height of the temporary barriers will be passed to the Torbay Development Agency to assess.

·         The Resident posed some further operational questions that were not appropriate to be discussed at the Working Party and was advised contact should be made during office hours to the Highways Department for further clarification from the supervising officer.


Other Issues

·         Cllr Manning raised that on Green Bank Road opposite Harbourway Dental Surgery the pot holes have been filled however there is some resurfacing requirements further down the road.  There is a lady who resides at the end of the street and uses a mobility scooter who is having difficulties with the road surface.  IJ will pass to Network Management to consider in line with other priorities.

·         Cllr Manning raised an issue in Glenmore Road where the shop keeper is experiencing problems with deliveries as motorists are parking on white solid lines.  IJ was aware that this issue has been previously discussed and the Police will only become involved if a vehicle is unable to leave the premises as opposed to gaining access to the premises.  Councillor Manning confirmed that the Community Police Officers has been spoken to regarding this matter; IJ confirmed that there is little the authority can do in respect of enforcement of obstruction.

·         Councillor Manning enquired as to the implementation date for yellow lines on Mathill Road.  It was confirmed the advert is currently with Parking Services and awaiting publication.  Cllr Haddock suggested a meeting with the Police is arranged to discuss all the parking issues being experienced across the bay.

·         Cllr Excell suggested that he may look at parking income to solve some of these issues.

·         Cllr Manning advised Penpethy Road requires a new street name plate – IJ to pass to the relevant officer to assess.

·         Advised that Edgeley Road in Barton – only one sign in the road.  IJ advised that this may be sufficient in line with current budget proposals.