Notice of Motion - 60 and 61 Bus Service
To consider the attached motion and background information.
Members considered a motion and background information in relation to the future funding of the 60 and 61 bus service, notice of which was given in accordance with Standing Order A14.
It was proposed by Councillor King and seconded by Councillor Amil:
The 60 and 61 route carried around 93,000 passengers in the last financial year, of which around 80 % were concessionary fares, i.e. free bus passes. The Government (Department of Transport) provide guidance on how to calculate the concession rate for each operator/network. A very complex set of algorithms have been developed by Department for Transport economists to ensure that bus operators are no worse off, or no better off, from having to carry concessionary passengers free of charge.
This service runs through the Preston, Clifton with Maidenway, Cockington with Chelston and Tormohun Wards 9 journeys per day Monday to Friday.
This service in particular has seen a reduction in concessionary passengers recently and there has been a reduction in the concession rate paid to this operator. Therefore this route has now proven too marginal for the current operator to continue operating commercially and Local Link have given notice to cut the service 60/61 from 16 May 2016.
This Council is asked to approve that a maximum of £100,000 be allocated from the 2016/2017 Revenue Budget Contingency to fund the procurement and subsidised service for the retention of the 60 and 61 bus routes and provide a suitable service for 1 year, on the understanding that it must be commercially viable by the end of the period, or the subsidy will cease.
In accordance with Standing Order A14.3(b), the Monitoring Officer advised that the motion would be dealt with by this meeting.
The Monitoring Officer provided a statement of fact, on behalf of the Assistant Director of Community and Customer Services, whereby the operator of the bus route had given notice to the Department of Transport to cease the service. Members were advised that following this notice the operator had requested the Department of Transport for an extension to the notice period, however, the outcome of this request was not known. The Council had sent a letter to the Department of Transport to support the extension.
An amendment was proposed by Councillor Tyerman and seconded by Councillor Robson:
that the matter be deferred for a full officer report to be presented to the Council meeting in July 2016.
In accordance with Standing Order A19.4, a recorded vote was taken on the amendment. The voting was taken by roll call as follows: For: Councillors Barnby, Bent, Bye, Ellery, Hill, Kingscote, Morey, Robson, Stockman, Thomas (D), Thomas (J) and Tyerman (12); Against: The Mayor, Councillors Amil, Brooks, Carter, Cunningham, Darling (M), Darling (S), Doggett, Excell, Haddock, King, Lewis, Manning, Mills, Morris, Parrott, Pentney, Sanders, Stocks, Stringer, Stubley, Sykes, Tolchard and Winfield (24); and Absent: Councillor O’Dwyer (1). Therefore, the amendment was declared lost.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Doggett and seconded by Councillor Excell.
This Council is asked to approve that a Di Minimus contract for the 60 and 61 route, not exceeding £60,000 in total, is negotiated with the current operator, Local Link. The negotiation will led by the Executive Lead for Transport, Housing and Planning and Councillor Doggett, together with the Assistant Director for Community and Customer Services.
This Council is asked to approve that a maximum
of £100,000 The amount negotiated
will be allocated from the 2016/2017 Revenue Budget Contingency to
fund the procurement and subsidised service for the
retention of the 60 and 61 bus routes and provide a sustainable and
suitable service for 1 year, on the understanding that it must be
commercially viable by the end of the period, or the Di
Minimus contract subsidy will
That the Council will develop a user group for bus users in Torbay and will hold regular meetings with bus operators to assist in the future of transport provision in Torbay.
During the debate on the amendment Councillors Doggett and Excell agreed to the insertion of the word ‘sustainable’ in the amendment as set out above.
In accordance with Standing Order A19.4, a recorded vote was taken on the amendment. The voting was taken by roll call as follows: For: The Mayor, Councillors Amil, Barnby, Brooks, Bye, Carter, Cunningham, Darling (M), Darling (S), Doggett, Ellery, Excell, Haddock, Hill, King, Lewis, Manning, Mills, Morey, Morris, Parrott, Pentney, Sanders, Stocks, Stringer, Stubley, Sykes, Thomas (D), Thomas (J), Tolchard, Tyerman and Winfield (32); Abstain: Councillors Bent, Kingscote, Robson and Stockman (4); and Absent: Councillor O’Dwyer (1). Therefore, the amendment was declared carried.
The substantive motion was then before members for consideration.
On being put to the vote, the substantive motion (the original motion with the additional paragraphs and removal of words as set out in the amendment above) was declared carried.
Supporting documents:
Notice of Motion 60 and 61 Bus Service, item 17.
60 and 61 Bus Service Background Report, item 17.
PDF 306 KB
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