Agenda item

Apologies/changes to Membership




-: Present :-



Maintained Primary : Roger Hughes,  Adam Morris. 

Primary Academy : Adam Tapp

Governors... Primary:  Maurice Codd

Maintained Secondary: Daneian Rees.

Secondary Academy: None.

Governors... Secondary:  None

Special/PRU Mike Lock,

14-19 Partnership: None

Early Years: Tim Stevens

Officers: Elaine Redding, Director of Children’s Services, Lisa Finn, Finance Manager,


(Also in attendance: Debbie Pritchard and Sue Joyce notes)



1.            Apologies


Apologies were received from James Evans, Anne Derbyshire, Debbie Main, Sue Foot, Dan Hallam and Clive Star




2.            Minutes


The Minutes of the meeting of the Schools’ Forum held on 5th March 2015 were checked for accuracy and agreed as a true record.




3.            Matters Arising


Item 6 – Future Meeting Dates:  It was agreed that the dates of all future meetings will be shown on the back of each Agenda.




4.            Finance Reports


i)             Comparison of Torbay’s local funding formulae with other Local Authorities


Lisa Finn, Finance Manager, went through the above report and highlighted the following:-


·         It was agreed that Lisa Finn would circulate this paper to all Governors of schools and also to all Members with a narrative.

·         It was noted that in overall terms Torbay’s individual sub formulae unit values are in the “middle of the pack” when compared to our statistical neighbours.

·         This paper to be discussed again during the Autumn Term as part of the discussions with Schools Forum on the 16/17 schools funding formulae.


ii)            Allocation of £180k 2014/15 DSG underspend


Lisa Finn, Finance Manager, went through the above report and the following was agreed:-


·         The decision regards allocating this sum is to be deferred until the December meeting


 A separate discussion then took place and the following was agreed:-


·         Small Task and Finish Group to be set up with two Heads and Debbie Pritchard to discuss how schools can access “turnaround” funds for pupils with challenging behaviour. The group will consider how this could be funded.

·         To provide 2 year funding of £15,000 in total from any 15/16 and 16/17 DSG underspend for the TESS administrator. Funding to be allocated to Mayfield School

·         To provide 2 year funding of £15,000 in total from any 15/16 and 16/17 DSG underspend for a primary mental health worker


iii)           DSG forecast and Statementing update 15/16


·         The word “statement” to be replaced with “plan”

·         The month 2 forecast is that there will be a £70k underspend on DSG and that statementing is forecast to overspend by £5k




5.            Standing Items:  Monitoring of Projects


i)             CAMHS Service Update (Elaine Redding)


·         A report from Jackie Olsen, Primary Mental Health Work Team Leader for CAMHS was circulated and read.

·         It was proposed that the CAMHS service should be referred to the Commissioning team.  Lisa Finn to brief Fiona Green and to link in with Jane English and the Safeguarding and CAMHS Steering Group.


ii)            Education Safeguarding Service (Elaine Redding)


·         David Taylor (Chair of the TSCB) has written to Jane English informing her that this service should link in with the TSCB with a representative from Education sitting on the Board.  It is hoped to have one Primary Head and one Secondary Head.

·         David Taylor is to meet with Jane English to discuss the Terms of Reference.


iii)           Improving outcomes for vulnerable children (Debbie Pritchard)


·         Discussion took place on the report that Debbie Pritchard had previously circulated and it was agreed that the recommendations would guide the implementation work.

·         It was agreed that Mike Lock would set up an Implementation Group for  the Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) project.  £150K was allocated for this.

·         It was agreed that Adam Morris would set up an Implementation Group for  the Challenging Behaviour (CB) project.  £150K was allocated for this.



Jane Inett to be asked to prepare a report on the Virtual Teacher for the next meeting in October



iv)           Annual Review of School Representation (Elaine Redding)


·         The composition of the Forum was reviewed and no change was proposed.

·         It was agreed that this review should continue annually in the summer term.





6.            Future Meeting Dates




15th October 2015 09:00-11:30 Room 3,   Mezzanine Floor, Tor Hill House


3rd December 2015 09:00-11:30 Room 3, Mezzanine Floor, Tor Hill House


7th January 2016 09:00-11:30 Room 3,    Mezzanine Floor, Tor Hill House


10th March 2016 09:00-11.30 Room 3,     Mezzanine Floor, Tor Hill House