Agenda item

Any Other Business


Cllr Excell advised that AOB would be brought forward to the start of the meeting to allow members of the public to speak and ensure that they did not need to attend the whole meeting.


Cllr Haddock addressed the meeting and gave Mrs Curtis’ apologies.  Unfortunately there was a mix up with the location of the meeting and she attended Brixham Town Hall.  The petition that she had intended to present to the Working Party has now been emailed in and currently has 98 signatures.  The subject of the petition is to request double yellow lines at the junction of Mathill Road.


Cllr Haddock handed round a number of photos which highlight the issues that are being experienced at the junction and has been contentious for many years.  The area is blocked from 7.30am – 7.30pm due to visitors to the nursing home at the junction and is also a bus route.


Cllr Haddock also requested that the roundabout is also looked at as it is difficult to see the roundabout.


Cllr Ellery advised that all five Brixham Councillors were in attendance at the meeting to support the petition and request.  He advised that the primary school in the vicinity has been extended and is due to take in an extra 70 children from September which will result in an increase of traffic.  There are regular near misses amounting to three a week.  Cllr Ellery stated that he is concerned about the visibility from the roundabout to Longcroft Avenue which does not have a clear view due to parked cars.  There is also an issue of cars not stopping at the roundabout when they approach from Horsepool Street.  This is now a major issue, escalating over the last 6 years. 


Cllr Ellery is concerned that the increase of traffic from September will compound the problem and feels that it is wise to consider the issue urgently and cannot wait until the next meeting in December.


Cllr Excell observed that the double yellow lines would need claws on them to prevent disabled drivers from parking on them. 


Cllr King queried if there is adequate enforcement in the area.


IJ confirmed that there is adequate enforcement within the area.  IJ advised that there is currently no budget for double yellow lines unless it is part of a capital scheme, funds were requested as part of a planning application, or part of the Road Safety Priorities.  Numerous requests for double yellow lines are received and these have to be prioritised according to their implications and budget provision.


IJ advised there is not a collision issue in the vicinity of the roundabout and that it was originally constructed to a larger size to allow large vehicles to be able to make a U-turn if they were unable to access the roads off the roundabout.


Cllr Haddock suggested that the roundabout could be raised without kerbstones to allow this to continue especially as at the moment the roundabout is flat and the white paint has been scrubbed out by vehicles.


Cllr Morey explained further the precise location of the issue which includes a blind spot for traffic where the road bears left.  Cllr Morey queried the cost of a traffic order.  IJ confirmed that the average cost of an order if £1500 - £2000.  Cllr Morey asked if there would be a possibility of Section 106 money to fund the works as there had been two major building enlargements in the vicinity.  Pat Steward advised that generally when requesting money under Section 106 these are normally targeted at specific projects.  £5,600 was requested from St Marys towards highway safety but this may be for a specific project.


Cllr Stockman felt that there will be further parking issues created and queried if bollards and narrowing of the road to create priorities would be a better option. 


Cllr Mills queried how much it would cost to add a bump to the roundabout as a short term measure.  IJ advised that the cost would not be high but funding would still be an issue.


IJ advised that the Road Safety Initiatives priorities, on the Agenda, are based on evidence of collisions and that it is up to the Working Party if they accept these or if they decide if other issues are more important.  There is however a fixed amount of funding for the priorities.


Cllr Manning stated that Mathill Road is full with cars parked along it and it is impossible to see what is coming out of the junctions and with the extension to the school there will be more cars using this area.  Cllr Excell considered that there is a need there and that funding could be looked at through Section 106’s and that this could be considered for the list of priorities. 


Cllr Mills proposed that it is included within the priorities list.  Cllr Doggett seconded this and agreed Cllr Excell’s earlier point that the double yellow lines would need claws on them to prevent Blue Badge holders from parking on them.  Cllr King felt that the issue should be proactive and not reactive, taking action to save lives.


Cllr Morey felt that if Section 106 funding is available for this then that should be used instead of funding from the road safety Initiatives.  Cllr Excell agreed with this.


Cllr Haddock advised that there is a development due to start in the area of the Police Station and all the traffic for this development would be using the roundabout and suggested that Section 106 money from this development be used.  Cllr Ellery agreed that there should be claws on the double yellow lines.


Cllr Morey advised that Development Management Committee have requested £40k Section 106 funding from the Wall Park Development for Century  Road and Gillard Road.  Pat Steward to look at this and see if any of this funding can be used.



That Mathill Road is considered to be added to the Road Safety Initiatives priorities as part of this Agenda


Proposed by: Cllr Mills

Seconded by: Cllr Doggett

In favour: All


Cllr Parrott advised that he had two issues that he would like to be considered by the Working Party.  These are concerning issues between Quinta Road and Windsor Road and the Ellacombe CPZ.


Cllr Parrott advised that a 2 year old child had recently been hit by a car in Windsor Road and that due to car parking issues this is a dangerous area.  The part of Windsor Road where the issue lies is the lower part where it turns into Ellacombe Church Road and requested that the issue is looked at before another accident takes place.


Cllr Parrott highlighted that Quinta Road is used as a race track in the evenings with cars parked on both sides of the road being damaged and requested that traffic calming is installed.  Cllr Parrott requested that this is added to the priority list to be considered for next year.


Cllr Parrott advised that issues are being experienced since the addition of Cavern Road to the Ellacombe CPZ with displaced parking in Hoxton Road, Warberrry Road West and the top of Princes Road.  Representatives from the roads would like to know what to do with regards to being considered for a CPZ next year. 


IJ advised that both of these issues can be dealt with as Service Enquiries to Highways.  Speed readings have previously been taken on Quinta Road and this can be added back onto the list for further readings to be taken.


Cllr Darling queried why half an hour had been spent at the start of the meeting on Any Other Business and asked if this is what happened at meetings now.  Cllr Excell advised that it was brought forward to prevent the Brixham attendees from having to sit through the whole meeting.