Agenda item

Policy for Replacement of Signalised Junctions


IJ advised that he was asked to review signalised junctions and a desktop study was carried out looking at each junction and if there was any advantage in changing to a roundabout at the end of the residual life of the equipment, in a similar way to the Cadewell Lane junction roundabout which was changed 16 years ago.


IJ highlighted that there are a number of issues to consider when looking at the junctions including visibility, junction layout and the balance of the traffic flow.  It was also decided to look at pedestrian crossings in a similar way to see if would be appropriate to change these depending on the speed of the road, visibility and vulnerability of users.


The junctions considered to be suitable to be considered for change are:


·         Hele Road/Broomhill Way

·         Torbay Road/Rathmore Road, Torquay (Grand Hotel)

·         Esplanade Road/Garfield Road, Paignton

·         Brixham Road/Borough Road, Paignton


The signalised crossings considered to be suitable to be changed are:


·         Belgrave Road/Church Street, Torquay

·         Torquay Road/St Pauls Road, Paignton

·         Esplanade Road/Lower Polsham Road, Paignton

·         Middle Street, Brixham

·         Pimlico, Torquay

·         Lymington Road, Torquay

·         Lymington Road/Wrights Lane, Torquay

·         Hele Road/Truro Avenue, Torquay


Cllr Haddock suggested that the lights from White Rock should be looked at as there are so many of them and it is confusing as you come over the brow of the hill as to which one you should be looking at.  Cllr Mills considered that the Western Corridor needs looking at due to the amount of traffic lights along it and that there is ample room for roundabouts to be installed.


Mayor Oliver thanked IJ for putting together the report to establish in principle the long term strategy to reduce the cost of replacing signals where suitable and welcomes suggestions.  There have been a lot of complaints about the ring Road due to synchronisation and timing which also needs to be reviewed.  Mayor Oliver also felt it a good idea to look at replacing signalised pedestrian crossings where possible.


Pat Steward was aware that there are synchronisation issues at the new development, however with measures already taken traffic is moving 3 minutes quicker on average through this section of road.  Pat Steward queried if there was a clause on the Western Corridor improvements where if the lights are changed to roundabouts that funding would have to be paid back.  IJ advised that he is not aware of any.


Cllr Haddock queried what will happen to the section of the Western Corridor from White Rock to Windy Corner, if this would change.  IJ advised that there are no plans to widen this section of road at the present time.



1.    That the junctions identified in the report are considered for replacement  with an alternative arrangement such as a roundabout, as future funding initiatives or when the existing signal apparatus has reached the end of its residual life.


2.    That signalised crossings identified in the report are considered in the same manner for replacement with lower maintenance crossing options such as zebra crossings.


Proposed by: Cllr King

Seconded by: Cllr Mills

In favour: All


Mayor Gordon Oliver left the meeting


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