Agenda item

Road Safety Initiative 2015/2016


IJ advised that the Road Casualty Reduction Report is usually presented to the Working Party in June, however due to the meeting being delayed this has already been published and is available on the Council’s website, link below.


IJ advised that the Road Safety Initiatives report provides Members with an update on the road safety initiatives and Safer Routes Schemes completed to date together with those previously approved schemes which have not been completed.  Appendix 4 shows the schemes that are recommended to be implemented over the next year. 


The proposed schemes are:-


·         A3022 Riviera Way, junction Browns Bridge Road, Torquay

·         A379 Teignmouth Road, Torquay

·         A379 Dartmouth Road (locally known as Kennels Road), Brixham

·         20mph zones outside schools


Cllr Mills queried if it was worth progressing with the scheme for Riviera Way due to the current works on the South Devon Link Road or if it would be better to wait for the road to be completed.  IJ confirmed that it was proposed to leave this scheme until later in the year to enable any new concerns to be reviewed. Cllr Mills felt that the new road would need to be in use for a good year before any review is carried out.  Cllr Mills suggest that this scheme is removed and that Mathill Road, Birxham replaces it.


Cllr Darling requested clarification on the 20mph zones around schools and felt that the zones should be at all times and not at school times.  Cllr Morey queried if there was a cost difference between the two and whether it would cause confusion for drivers.  Cllr Excell considered that the zones should be in place 24/7 as you don’t know who is using school premises throughout the day.  IJ advised that there are a number of issues in connection with 20mph zones and that the Police do not enforce them.  They are expected to be self enforcing.  The zones that are variable will have flashing lights to indicate to drivers when the zone is in force.  Traffic Regulation Orders are required for those that are permanent.  Cllr Doggett pointed out that if you are hit at a 20mph you are more likely to survive than if hit at a higher speed and would like to see the zone as permanent.  Cllr Excell advised that the slower speeds will be beneficial as more people start driving electric cars as these cannot be heard, even at higher speeds.


Cllr Brooks felt that variable zones would be better as the flashing lights used with these would make the motorist more likely to notice the zone.  IJ advised that the costs are variable as more apparatus are required with the variable, speed limit, however there is a cost for Traffic Regulation Orders and signs for the permanent restrictions.


Cllr Darling also wished to state that he felt that 20mph limits should be considered within the wider community and not just outside of schools.  The request was noted by the Chairman.


Cllr Haddock queried if the flashing lights at Tweenaway are manual or automatic.  IJ confirmed that these are automatic.  Cllr Haddock advised that he regularly passes these at 4am and they are on.  IJ advised that there is currently an issue with the supply of some of the equipment which is currently with the manufacturer.


Cllr Doggett proposed that the Mathill Road issue is added to the list and Cllr Morey seconded it. 



That the schemes shown in Appendix 4 are implemented with the addition of Mathill Road to help to reduce the number of vehicle collisions and related casualties across the bay area, in the following order


·         A379 Teignmouth Road, Torquay

·         A379 Dartmouth Road (locally known as Kennels Road), Brixham

·         Mathill Road, Brixham

·         A3022 Riviera Way, junction Browns Bridge Road, Torquay

·         20mph zones outside schools


Proposed by: Cllr Mills

Seconded by: Cllr Doggett

In favour: Four in favour


·         Mathill Road, Brixham

·         A379 Teignmouth Road, Torquay

·         A379 Dartmouth Road (locally known as Kennels Road), Brixham

·         A3022 Riviera Way, junction Browns Bridge Road, Torquay

·         20mph zones outside schools


Proposed by: Cllr Morey

Seconded by: Cllr King

In favour: Three in favour


Following voting, it was agreed that the priority order of the schemes will be :


·         A379 Teignmouth Road, Torquay

·         A379 Dartmouth Road (locally known as Kennels Road), Brixham

·         Mathill Road, Brixham

·         A3022 Riviera Way, junction Browns Bridge Road, Torquay

·         20mph zones outside schools


Mayor Gordon Oliver joined the meeting.


Supporting documents: