Agenda item

Standing Items: Monitoring of Projects


i)             CAMHS Service Update (Roger Hughes Verbal Update)


Roger Hughes read out the report he had received from Jackie Olsen, Torbay CAMHS Primary Mental Health Worker Team Leader and highlighted the following:-


·         The Service Specification document will be sent out to all schools.

·         It has become apparent that if the parents of a child going to school in Torbay are registered with a Devon GP (Virgin Care are responsible for Devon CAMHS) then Torbay CAMHS are unable to provide a service.  This will be discussed at the next Safeguarding and CAMHS Steering Group to be held on 10th March 2015.

·         Jane Inett is to attend the Safeguarding and CAMHS Steering Group in place of Richard Williams.



i)             Discussion to take place at Safeguarding and CAMHS Steering Group on 10th March in relation to the CAMHS service (RH)


ii)            Education Safeguarding Service (Roger Hughes Verbal Update)


Roger Hughes read out the report highlighting the following:-


·         The TESS Handbook has taken longer than expected to produce due to many problems including IT.

·         Educational Social Workers have spent some time in the newly formed MASH.  A high number of referrals emanate from schools.


iii)           Improving Outcomes for Vulnerable Children


Discussion took place on Debbie Pritchard’s report and it was agreed that:-


·         School Forum would consider, review and agree the working principles of the following:-


Schools need to work together to achieve the desired result of better outcomes at less cost.  This requires sign-up to a common approach and so the proposed principles to apply to the plans are:


a)    This is about improving outcomes for the most vulnerable children of Torbay.

b)    Early intervention is a good investment.

c)    There will be a right place for every child.

d)    To each child according to their needs.

e)    All schools play their part and wish to support and include vulnerable children.

f)     Investment is about increasing capacity in a sustainable way.

g)    Some children and some schools will need more support than others.

h)   The investment will lead to savings overall.

i)     We plan for the anticipated future nature of the school population.


·         School Forum would consider and agree the direction of travel of the three strands:-


a)    behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (BESD)

b)    autistic spectrum condition (ASC)

c)    future scoping.


·         School Forum does not agree with making decisions about allocation of funds at the present time.  It was agreed that a two different Task and Finish Groups should be set up by the Torbay Teaching School Alliance, with separate budgets, to come up with a plan by the next meeting of the School Forum (25th June 2015).  Dorothy Hadleigh (Head of Service SEND) will be asked to sit on both groups.  It was agreed that the following should sit on the Task and Finish Groups:-


Dorothy Hadleigh

Mike Lock

Adam Morris

A representative from Preston

Mark Eager

Sue Foot

Jane Young

Jessica Humphrey

James Evans

An Educational Psychologist

A representative from Children’s Finance

A representative from Communications

A representative from the Clinical Commissioning Group


Once a report has been received from these groups, Elaine Redding will form a group to evaluate this feedback and prepare a paper for the School Forum on 25th June 2015.  This paper to be completed by 15th June 2015.


It was suggested that a Clerk would be required to co-ordinate these groups.



i)     Torbay Teaching School Alliance to be approached to set up two Task and Finish Groups (RH).


ii)    Once reports have been received, Elaine Redding to set up a group to prepare a paper for the next meeting. (ER)