Agenda item

W & TCP - Parkhill Road


Mr Doodson spoke to the meeting concerning Parkhill Road above the Imperial Hotel.  He stated that he uses the road regularly and finds that it is dangerous for pedestrians, especially visitors and children.


Mr Doodson advised that the road is 100m long and 5.8m wide.  Difficulties are experienced when two saloon cars pass leaving very little space for pedestrians who can find it intimidating.  Issues are also caused by overhanging trees causing a dark tunnel.


Mr Doodson highlighted a number of  solutions as follows:


·         a physical barrier for pedestrians

·         trees to be cut back

·         speed humps

·         “Go Slow” signs

·         a chicane

·         one-way route

·         traffic lights


Mr Doodson felt that either a one way route or traffic lights were the best options when considering dangers and injury risks.


Cllr Bent confirmed that he supports Mr Doodson and considers that more daylight is required in the road.  Cllr Bent also felt that action on this issue was well overdue.


Patrick Carney accepted that pedestrians are nervous in this area and that the darkness makes it feel worse than it is.  Patrick advised that no collisions are showing on the collision database for Parkhill Road.  The only incident that has been reported is of two wing mirrors clipping which were reported to the police due to a disagreement over responsibility.  Patrick stated that he is happy to look at a scheme to improve Parkhill Road, but he would need Members to advise which other proposed scheme not to progress to enable funding to be available.  Patrick confirmed that high sided vehicles keep low branches at bay, however notices can be issued to the owners of the trees to trim them back, but only if they are affecting the highway and not for light issues.  The other option is for the Council to pay for them to be trimmed back.


Patrick confirmed that the issue has been around for a long time and that there is not an easy solution as if there was it would have already been carried out.  Patrick went through each of the options that Mr Doodson suggested:-


·         traffic lights are not viable for such a short stretch and the scheme would cost in the region of £50k, together with the cost of maintaining equipment.

·         one-way route – these tend to increase speeds due to drivers knowing that they will not meet oncoming traffic

·         a chicane – this is possible with buildouts

·         providing an edge of carriageway is a cheap option.  A minimum of 4.8m is required for the carriageway which leaves a 1m virtual footway.  There would be a small cost in providing this, but it may not solve the problem.


Cllr Addis felt that the chicane that had been installed at Moor Lane has worked and that this would work in the same way.  Patrick confirmed that yes it is possible that it would work, however there would be a cost of approximately £20k.  If this option was chosen then it would have to be as a capital scheme next year.


Cllr Brooksbank queried the street lighting levels.  PC advised that this would not make any difference in the day time.


Cllr Amil felt that the owners of the trees should be approached first, together with a virtual footway on one side or a chicane.  Cllr Amil considered that traffic lights were not the right solution.


Cllr Cowell considered the chicane to be the best solution, together with contacting landowners to reduce overhanging trees.


Cllr Doggett queried if the large numbers of coaches in the road would have an effect on the trees.  Patrick Carney advised that the bottom branches have recently been trimmed across the full width and for a height of approx 16” 6.  Cllr Doggett advised that he knows that speed humps are not liked by the emergency services and that signs are ignored.  He considered that chicanes were a good way to go, together with tree trimming and provision for pedestrians.


Cllr Davis raised that the owners of the trees should be contacted before anything else takes place.


Patrick Carney requested Cllr Bent’s assistance in approaching the residents concerning the light issue and the cutting back of trees.  Whilst this is taking place Patrick suggested that he can arrange for costs to be prepared for the provision of a virtual footway, followed by costing a chicane, which can be looked at in the spring for future road safety projects.


Cllr Addis stated that overhanging trees were an issue all over the bay and queried what enforcement is carried out.  Patrick Carney advised that notices are served under a 2 stage process.  An initial letter is sent to the owner of the tree giving them 14 days to cut the overgrowth back, followed by a 21 day notice advising that if the trees are not cut then the council will do the work and recharge the owner.  Patrick confirmed that over 500 notices have been sent out since January.  Patrick also advised that Highways are advised when refuse lorries are unable to access roads due to overgrowth to enable action to be taken.




That the owners of the trees should be approached with regard to cutting back of trees and Patrick Carney to arrange for a price to install an edge of carriageway line in the short term.  A capital scheme to be considered as part of the 2015/16 road safety review.


Proposed by: Cllr Doggett


Seconded by: Cllr Amil


In favour: All


Abstained: None


Mr Doodson and Cllr Bent left the meeting.