Agenda item

Saving Proposals 2015/2016

To consider a report setting out the Mayor’s draft savings proposals for 2015/2016 which, if approved, would form the basis of the budget which the Council will be asked to approve in February 2015.


The full revised savings proposals are available on the Council’s website at


Members considered the recommendations of the Mayor in relation to the savings proposals for 2015/2016 as out in the submitted report.  The proposals included a number of changes which had been made following the Mayor’s publication of his original proposals on 12 September 2014.  It was noted that, if approved, the savings proposals would form the basis of the budget proposals which would be presented to the Council in February 2015.


In accordance with legislation, the Chairwoman advised recorded votes would taken on the motion and amendments.


It was proposed by the Mayor and seconded by Councillor Mills:


that the savings proposals for 2015/2016, as set out in the submitted report, (which build upon the decisions made by the Council in February 2014) be approved and form the basis of the budget which the Council will be asked to approve in February 2015. 


In accordance with Standing Order A14.4, an amendment was proposed by Councillor Darling and seconded by Councillor Ellery:


(i)         that the Mayor be requested to delay these Savings Proposals to the Council meeting on 5 February 2015 to allow consideration of the following:


(a)       the announcement of the Local Government Finance Settlement for 2015/16, to enable officers to incorporate any risk arising from any significant change in the settlement;  and


(b)       the reserves applied to transitional funding for Connections, ERTC, museums, No. 25 Bus route and CCTV (amounting to approximately £264,500) to enable officers to work up more substantive proposals for the longer term solutions for these service areas.  This will give the Council more confidence in the service that it will be able to provide local communities.


(ii)        that, following the joint letter from the Liberal Democrat Group, Non-Coalition Group and Labour member to the Mayor setting out objections to the Mayor’s initial Savings Proposals in September 2014, that to date the concerns and objections listed below remain unaddressed and therefore remain:


(a)       Removal of Street Lights

The Council objects to the removal of street lighting in Torbay for the following reasons:

·        A full risk assessment needs to be undertaken

·        The Police have stated that more lighting is needed to deal with crime and anti-social behaviour.

·        The Council is likely to suffer from accident claims if residents fall in darkened streets, where there are poorly maintained pavements and roads;


(b)       Cuts to Adult Social Care

The Council objects to the additional budget cuts to Adult Social Care for the following reasons:

·        There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that the cuts contained within the report are achievable and no evidence at all as to the level of service which will remain for the elderly or vulnerable.

·        The decision to cut many areas within this service is premature without in many cases seeing the results of Consultations or Equality Impact Assessments;


(c)        Riviera International Conference Centre (RICC)

Despite the further reduction of £25,000, the Council objects to the Mayor’s budget for a continued high subsidy for the RICC.  The Council further objects that there has been no full review of the RICC’s future business opportunities and that there has been no in depth investigation of alternative options for the centre;  and


(d)       Quids for Kids

On 5 September 2014 the Overview and Scrutiny Board recommended that the Mayor defer the proposal to end the Citizens Advice Bureau service Quids for Kids.  The Council wishes to endorse this and the impact of ending the CAB service be investigated including the suggestion that ‘universal services’ bridge the gap for this service.


A recorded vote was taken on the amendment. The voting was taken by roll call as follows: For: Councillors Cowell, Darling, Davies, Doggett, Ellery, Faulkner (J), James, Parrott, Pentney, Pountney, Stocks, Stockman and Stringer (13); Against: the Mayor, Councillors Addis, Amil, Barnby, Bent, Brooksbank, Excell, Hernandez, Hill, Hytche, Kingscote, Lewis, McPhail, Mills, Pritchard, Scouler, Thomas (D) and Tyerman (18); Abstain: Councillor Baldrey (1); and Absent: Councillors Butt, Faulkner (A), Morey, Richards and Thomas (J) (5). Therefore, the amendmentwas declared lost.


The original motion was then put to the vote. The voting was taken by roll call as follows: For: the Mayor, Councillors Addis, Amil, Barnby, Bent, Brooksbank, Excell, Hernandez, Hill, Hytche, Kingscote, Lewis, McPhail, Mills, Pritchard, Scouler, Thomas (D) and Tyerman (18); Against: Councillors Darling, Doggett, Faulkner (J), James, Parrott, Pentney, Pountney, Stocks, Stockman and Stringer (10); Abstain: Councillor Baldrey, Cowell, Davies and Ellery (4); and Absent: Councillors Butt, Faulkner (A), Morey, Richards and Thomas (J) (5). Therefore, the motion was declared carried.

Supporting documents: