Agenda item

Tweenaway Cross, Paignton Proposed Parking Restrictions


RH advised that following questions at the last meeting, this report had been amended.  Patrick Carney advised that the diagrams show how the junction operates on site now.  Patrick Carney outlined the options that are being considered within the report and advised that the recommendation was to implement as advertised.  Patrick Carney stated that they understand the concerns of residents but the need to improve traffic flow has to take priority.


Mr Jones suggested that the area should be the subject of an AQMA.  He stated that the residents were assured in July 2010 that no double yellow lines were necessary in the area and that they had no concerns at all with the traffic flow.  He advised that he had been told that sensors had already been installed controlling the traffic and he believed that a decision had already been made to install the parking restrictions.  Mr Jones stated that he does not know how the yellow box can be used as it’s not legal and removing this would reduce the need for parking restrictions.  Mr Jones advised that he had written in with objections to the proposal and that the lights were changed 3 or 4 days after this causing back up of traffic to stop.  Mr Jones highlighted that the pedestrian crossing by Bookers appears to work when there are no pedestrians around which causes issues with traffic backlog.  Mr Jones advised that from various comments he has heard the decision on these restrictions is already a done deal and that the residents have not been listened to.


Mr Daniels advised that after the last meeting he went home and there was a continuous stream of traffic through the junction.  He stated that he sat in the traffic for 30 minutes and that there was no backup at all, however there were small delays caused by roadworks.  Mr Daniels considered that there would be no difference made to the traffic by the restrictions despite the surveys that have been carried out.  Mr Daniels considered there to be no issues changing lanes at the junction.  Mr Daniels raised concerns that the residents would become isolated and have to walk up to half a mile from their cars to their homes.  He queried how the restrictions had been calculated and considered that the surveys carried out were not accurate enough.


Patrick Carney responded to Mr Jones advising that the sensors he mentioned had been installed as part of the scheme and that all traffic lights have these sensors to alter timings to traffic on demand.  Patrick advised that no reports had been received about the pedestrian crossing by Bookers and that he would look into this.  Patrick confirmed that he had spoken to the Police concerning the yellow box and that they had advised that no offence would be committed if vehicles were to sit in the box if they are prevented from exiting by oncoming traffic.  Patrick advised that the capacity of the queue length builds up with every sequence of the lights depending on the flow of vehicles.  Patrick confirmed that the road is not serving the junction fast enough to balance the traffic flow. 


Cllr Brooksbank queried comments from the last meeting about looking at the sequence.  Patrick advised that a survey was carried out and no issues were found during the 120 second cycle.  However, Patrick advised that if the traffic is light then the cycle will be shorter and as the traffic increases the cycle is lengthened.


Cllr Cowell queried the need for the yellow box for the rear access lane as it can also be accessed by the school and if the opposite bank could be removed to allow parking.  Cllr Cowell also stated that those that live there need to be considered and that he does not understand why the access cannot be improved for residents.


Patrick advised that there is a proposal to remove the bank to create a larger merge to improve the junction and right turn to Waterleat Avenue.  Patrick stated that he thought that the yellow box would be appreciated by the residents as it improves their access to the lane. 


Cllr Excell considered that the yellow lines would not solve the issue as it would not prevent parking by blue badge holders.  Cllr Addis queried if a number of cars can park at the tile shop and Patrick advised that this proposal was rejected by residents, however the offer was still there.


Sally Farley advised that Strategic Transport support the proposal for the lines as they will help to improve the flow of traffic across the Bay.  Cllr Excell advised that he is unable to support the proposal for the lines unless they are “clawed” to prevent parking by disabled badge holders.  Patrick advised that there are no issues in the area with parking by disabled badge holders.



That additional waiting restrictions are implemented to a reduced length of approximately 25m and monitored on a trial basis.


Proposed by: Cllr Addis


Seconded by: Cllr Cowell


In favour: 4


Abstained: 2


Cllr John Thomas left the meeting.

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