Agenda item

Tweenaway Cross, Paignton - Proposed Parking Restrictions


Ian Jones presented the report for the proposed parking restrictions for Tweenaway Cross, Paignton.  Ian Jones advised that an option has been offered to the residents in order to assist with parking in the area, by using the former tile shop site as a residents parking area. 


Ian Jones advised residents were written to in July 2013 in consultation with Ward Councillors and again in October 2013 advising of the parking restriction proposals and copies of the eleven objections received are detailed in the report, which mainly focus on the loss of parking to the frontage of properties.


Ian Jones recommended that the Transport Working Party implement the parking restrictions and transfer the former tile shop site to the Torbay Development Agency.


Andrew Hooper addressed the Transport Working Party advising he does not think the traffic light system is working correctly and does not see the need for double yellow lines to be installed at this location as believes further investigation needs to be undertaken in the first instance to identify all of the issues in the area prior to making any changes.


Caroline Sharrock addressed the Transport Working Party advising she also believes the traffic light system is not working correctly and considers the congestion in the area is being caused by a build up of traffic from Waterleat.  Caroline Sharrock went on to say she was conducting an independent survey with local residents regarding this issue but has yet to complete it due to personal circumstances.


Councillor David Thomas advised that due to a flaw in the administration process the residents were not aware this item was being discussed at the Transport Working Party today and therefore the residents are not prepared and requested for the administration process to be reviewed.  Councillor David Thomas went on to say he recommends not to implement the parking proposals until further evidence has been gained as to what other contributing factors are causing the congestion.


Ian Jones advised the report does state in point 9.3 that the parked vehicles in the section of Kings Ash Road is only one of the contributing factors to the traffic queuing and other factors were detailed in full in the report that was brought to the Transport Working Party on the 6th June 2013.  Ian Jones advised that residents were advised of the date of the Community Partnership meeting in the July letter in order that the issue could be raised with them in they wished.


Councillor David Thomas advised that the Community Partnerships have never been formally invited to comment on any proposals to implement double yellow lines in the Bay.


Councillor John Thomas advised he agrees with Councillor David Thomas and believes the process to advise the residents of the proposals has been flawed by administration.


Ian Jones advised that Officers do not as a rule write to objectors to advise their objections are being considered at the Transport Working Party although if they are aware of individuals who wish to attend they would be contacted.  It was confirmed that Officers wrote to Ward Councillors 10 days ago to advise this would be on the agenda for today.  Ian Jones went on to say the Community Partnership would usually send any representations to officers if issues had been raised, however no such representations had been issued on this subject.


Councillor Doggett advised that repairs to the rear lane access to this area was detailed in a report in 2011 and wanted to know why this has not happened.


Ian Jones advised the repairs were completed but believes there was a higher level of expectation for the repairs that were going to be carried out on this private road than can be reasonably delivered.


Councillor Brooksbank agreed that the pot holes on the rear access lane are bad and appreciates it is a private road but wondered if further repairs can be made.  It was requested if the lane could be fully surfaced.


Ian Jones advised that the level of work that would be required to bring the lane to a fully surfaced condition is considerable in terms of cost and that there would be issues with spending significant funds on repairing a private road when there is not enough funding to surface some roads on the public highway.  Ian Jones advised that the Council could go back as a one off to undertake small repairs of the rear access road but that would need to be agreed by the budget holder.


Councillor Pountney advised there appears to be a lack of understanding and would like to see some firm evidence of the issues being encountered in this area before making any recommendation.


Ian Jones reminded Members that their recommendation in June 2013 was based on the evidence of the report presented at that time and questioned the type of evidence that was now being requested.


Councillor Cowell advised he shares the concerns raised by his colleagues and of the Ward Councillors and suggested that better signage could be an option to alleviate the problem with the queuing traffic along with reviewing the sequence of the traffic lights.  Councillor Cowell went on to say that he does not feel equipped today to make a recommendation and will not support the Officers recommendation, but requested that further options be brought to the next meeting.


Councillor Addis advised he agrees with the points Councillor Cowell raised.




This item has been deferred until all evidence has been re-evaluated and all issues identified and considered with view to bringing back to the Transport Working Party at a later date.


Proposed by: Cllr Cowell

Seconded by: Cllr Doggett


In favour: 5


Abstention: 1


Councillor David Thomas and Councillor John Thomas left the meeting.

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