Agenda item

Review of Torbay's Allocation Policy

To consider a report on the review of Torbay’s Allocation Policy.


Members considered the submitted report on a review of Torbay’s Allocations Policy which would enable better management of the waiting list and expectations for access to Social Housing in Torbay which is in very limited supply. 


The Chairman advised that the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Board had been circulated on 24 February 2014.  During his proposal speech Councillor Thomas (D) responded to the recommendation of the Overview and Scrutiny Board.  He advised that there was no merit in including their recommendations within the Allocations Policy as it was more in line with the Housing Strategy which was due to be refreshed from 1 April 2014.


It was proposed by Councillor Thomas (D) and seconded by Councillor Bent:


That the Devon Home Choice Policy be amended in Torbay from 1 April 2014 as follows:


1.     Band E applicants will be removed from the register and only those applicants in Bands A-D will be eligible for social housing in Torbay.


2.     Applicants who have not bid for 12 months, or turned down three reasonable offers will be removed from the register.  This will be applied as of 1 April 2014.


3.     A 5 year residency test will be applied as part of the qualification criteria, requiring the applicant (or member of the applicant’s household) to have lived within Torbay for 5 years.


In addition other qualification criteria will apply to ensure that applicants who are not currently resident in the district/area but who can demonstrate a strong association to the local area will be able to qualify (e.g. through family association or employment).


This is defined as:


Need to work in Devon.  The Local Government Association guidelines define this as employment other than of a casual nature.  For the purposes of this policy this will be defined as having had permanent work with a minimum of a 16 hour contract per week for the previous 6 months, and without a break in the period of employment for more than three months.


Have family connections in Devon.  The Local Government Association guidelines define this as immediate family members (parents, siblings and nondependent children) who have themselves lived in the area for five years.


To ensure we maintain the protection provided by the statutory reasonable preference criteria and the statutory guidance.  Exceptions to the 5 year residency test will be:


·       Existing Social housing tenants, in Devon.  (to promote downsizing);

·       Members of the Armed Forces and former Service personnel, where the application is made within five years of discharge;

·       Bereaved spouses and civil partners of members of the Armed Forces leaving Services Family Accommodation following the death of their spouse or partner;

·       Serving or former members of the Reserve Forces who need to move because of a serious injury, medical condition or disability sustained as a result of their service;

·       People who are assessed as being within the reasonable preference categories – Bands A , B , Emergency and High Housing Need, as per the DHC Policy. ( This includes those fleeing violence and Statutorily Homeless);  and

·       Applicants requiring Sheltered Housing (represents 1/3 rd of all annual lets);


4.     The allocation policy is amended to enable the Council to prioritise working households in areas of high unemployed households and where there is an evidenced need, via a local lettings plan.


5.     The Allocation Policy is amended to state the Council can introduce an Annual Lettings Plan (this will be informed by the monitoring of location, types and length of tenancies over a 12 month period and Transfers).


An amendment was proposed by Councillor Darling and seconded by Councillor Pentney:


That the Council goes out to further public consultation on the revised Torbay Allocation Policy due to the poor level of public engagement.


On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared lost.


The original motion was then put to the vote and declared carried.

Supporting documents: