Agenda item

Child Poverty Commission meets the Community

09.00 a.m.-11.00 a.m.



Nikki Bond, Headteacher, St Marychurch C of E Primary School                                                       

Youth Employment 


Linda Owen and Lee Tozer (Jobcentre Plus)

TDA representative

Youth Enquiry Service representative





The Chair commenced the meeting by asking for round the table introductions.  She also explained the work of the Commission and welcomed Nikki Bond, Headteacher, St Marychurch Primary School, Lee Tozer, Jobcentre Plus, Heather Vallance, Benefits and Review and Debbie Passmore, TDA, who would be sharing with the Commission their experiences of ways of tackling child poverty in Torbay.


Schools  Nikki Bond informed the Commission that following a meeting with other headteachers their collective responses to the key line of enquiries were:-


Main issues:

·         Lack of aspiration from parents

·         Life choices i.e. prioritising how money was spent

·         Mental and physical health issues

·         Low attendance

·         Toilet training


Income poverty

The Commission noted the innovative ways in which the School engaged with families and the effective use of the  Pupil Premium to target specific areas of need which included one to one working, enabling children to go on residential events and increasing access to technology for parents and children.  Parent contracts have been successful in improving attendance at the school.


Parent in worklessness/making a difference

The Commission reflected on the Headteacher’s views on making a difference which included both encouraging parents back into work without losing their benefits and life skills improving life choices.  The Commission listened to an example of good practice involving a regular multi-agency meeting which made an impact on addressing wider issues.


The Commission questioned the percentage of pupils receiving free school meals (45%); class sizes (30), number of children coming into school who are not toilet trained (5:45); family learning events and safeguarding procedures (unresolved issues are referred to the Safeguarding Hub in Children’s Services). It was noted that Looked After Children were known to the school although young carers were not always easily identified.


The Director of Children’s Services informed the Commission of the key changes by Government to the allocation of the Early Intervention Grant, Pupil Premium and Welfare reforms. He also outlined the proposed key changes to how family learning is delivered in Torbay by engaging schools and partners in the process rather than being controlled by the three secondary schools. 


The Chair summarised the findings and thanked Nikki and the headteachers for their valuable contribution to tackling child poverty in Torbay.


Jobcentre Plus: Lee Tozer stated that his service mirrored the aspirations of schools and highlighted the main issues being faced by the Jobcentres which were:-


·         Lack of preparation for young people from schools/collages for the world of work

·         Lack of uptake by local employers to take on work experience or apprenticeships

·         Reluctance of young people to travel outside Torbay to obtain work

·         Poor role modelling for parents/young people in relation to work

·         Cultural belief that you are better off on benefits than work


He further illustrated ways in which improvements could be made by encouraging employers to take young people for work experience, send out clear messages about the benefits of being in work and the support available to families seeking work.


The Chair thanked Lee for his comprehensive picture and asked the Commission for questions.


It was noted that information for apprenticeships can be found on the internet as well as Torbay Development agency who are currently engaging with smaller employers to create opportunities for young people. 


The Commission considered the barriers facing young people when looking for work and the success of the TDA in progressing their apprenticeship programme and championing the living wage. It also noted that Children’s Services were progressing with the Local Authority to firmly embed child poverty in the Housing Strategy and plans to highlight the Youth Offer at Council in September.