Agenda item

Schools Capital Programme Review

To receive an update on the Schools Capital Programme, particularly the Spires and Homelands PFI (Public Finance Initiative) which will be one of the first school PFI in the country to reach expiry in 2027.


The Sub-Board considered the submitted report which set out the latest position on the Schools Capital Programme and the work being undertaken in respect of The Spires College and Homelands Primary School Private Finance Initiative (PFI) which expires in October 2027.


Members asked a number of questions in relation to where the temporary accommodation was for St Michael’s Academy Free School and if the temporary accommodation had affected numbers on roll; what impact was development at Inglewood going to have on primary school places; what impact birth rates were having on numbers and capacity of school places across Torbay.


Members were advised that St Michael’s Academy Free School had done an incredible job working with temporary accommodation with another unit due to be in place for September due to having 20 pupils on roll with a PAN of 30.  It was expected that all 30 places would be filled once the permanent accommodation was in place.


It was acknowledged that whilst there was capacity overall in Paignton and Brixham, development around Roselands and the new Inglewood site had put pressure on Whiterock and Roselands Primary Schools.  However, due to only around 50 houses a year being built out of the 500 approved the conditional approval from the Department for Education for a second free school in Paignton had been withdrawn.  There was still potential to increase capacity at Roselands Primary School to make them a two form of entry school if numbers increased sufficiently.  However, birth rates across all three Towns had fallen significantly and this would need to increase as well as more new housing coming on board in order to justify creating an additional school in the area.  Members had regard to the impact that this had on other schools in Paignton and the ability for parents to secure a school place closer to their home.


It was noted that the new developments around Aldi and Lidl had secured Section 106 funding which had contributed towards Roselands and Whiterock Primary Schools’ expansions.


The Director of Children’s Services advised that the current Capital Programme included a roll over of £1.6m, which had already been rolled over previously and needed to be allocated and committed by the end of August 2024.  Officers were looking at options around Section 19 duties, Parkfield and the Medical Tuition Service to identify a strategic plan for specialist education provision and enhanced resource for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) or Education and Health Care Plans (EHCPs) which this funding could help deliver.  Members requested an update on this at a future meeting.


The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services provided a verbal update on the Acorn Centre.  Following further negotiations the project was due to go out to tender in April/May with a completion date of the end of December 2024.  Whilst there had been delays due to changes in the project some time had been clawed back following agreement to close the Centre for a period whilst the works were being carried out.  The Council was looking at how approximately £97,000 Revenue Funding for the project could be used working with the Trustees from the Acorn Centre.

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