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Priorities and Resources 2013/2014 Review Panel

This page lists the meetings for Priorities and Resources 2013/2014 Review Panel. You can also view upcoming committee documents on your iPad, Android Device or Blackberry Playbook by downloading the free app.

Information about Priorities and Resources 2013/2014 Review Panel

The objective of the Panel is to review the emerging priorities of the Council for 2013/2014 and the associated resource implications.

The scope of the review is:

1.         To understand the context in which the Council must set its priorities for 2013/14 and beyond.

2.         To review and challenge the emerging priorities of the Council.

3.         To review and challenge the proposals for delivering the Council’s priorities and the implications on the Council’s resources.

Rationale for the Review

The Centre for Public Scrutiny in its publication “On the Money: The scrutiny of local government finance” defines the role of scrutiny in the financial process as to hold the Mayor to account and ensure that decision-making is efficient, transparent and accountable.  Its role is also to ensure that the Mayor makes decisions in the best interest of the community.

Consideration of the resource implications goes hand-in-hand with priority setting and there are a range of reviews, plans and strategies which will form the basis of the Council’s revenue and capital budget for the coming years.

The Overview and Scrutiny Board has established the Priorities and Resources Review Panel (consisting of the same members as the Board itself) which will consider, review and challenge the emerging priorities of the Council together with the resources required to deliver them.