Venue: Banking Hall, Castle Circus entrance on the left corner of the Town Hall, Castle Circus, Torquay, TQ1 3DR. View directions
Contact: Governance Support
No. | Item |
Minute's Silence Minutes: As a mark of respect, the meeting commenced with a minute’s silence to honour the life and passing of service personnel on 11 November 1918 and to remember Armistice Day. |
To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 14 October 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 14 October 2024 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Torbay Hospital Clinical Hub Newton Road Torquay (P/2024/0001) A new mixed use clinical hub building four storeys high and a further partial floor of lower ground. The site area includes the demolition of existing buildings and a new electrical substation. Minutes: The Committee considered an application for a new mixed use clinical hub building four storeys high and a further partial floor of lower ground. The site area included the demolition of existing buildings and a new electrical substation.
Prior to the meeting, Members of the Planning Committee undertook a site visit and written representations were available on the Council’s website. At the meeting Dr Rodney Horder addressed the Committee on behalf of the Torquay Neighbourhood Forum in support of the application.
In accordance with Standing Order B4.1 Councillor Maddison addressed the Committee in respect of concerns around parking.
At the meeting the Divisional Director of Planning, Housing and Climate Emergency advised, that since the report had been published, the following amendments should be made to two of the proposed conditions:
1. Construction/Demolition Management Plan shall read ‘shall be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority’ and not the ‘Council’; and
2. Cycle Parking Strategy shall read ‘details of the cycle store to be approved by the Local Planning Authority’.
Resolved (unanimously):
Approved: subject to:
1. the condition on Construction/Demolition Management Plan shall read ‘shall be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority’ and not the ‘Council’;
2. the condition on the Cycle Parking Strategy shall read ‘details of the cycle store to be approved by the Local Planning Authority’;
3. the conditions as outlined in the submitted report, subject to the changes in 1 and 2 above, with the final drafting of conditions delegated to the Divisional Director of Planning, Housing and Climate Emergency and the completion of a Section 106 Legal agreement to secure a tree mitigation payment of £71,531.00;
4. the resolution of any new material considerations that may come to light following Planning Committee to be delegated to Divisional Director of Planning, Housing and Climate Emergency, including the addition of any necessary further planning conditions or obligations; and
5. with an informative that:
a. as part of the submission of future applications the Trust is requested to submit details to the Local Planning Authority to clarify that sufficient car parking and replacement residential accommodation will be provided;
b. to discharge the condition on solar panels the applicant is informed that the Local Planning Authority would anticipate the orientation and number of the solar panels shown may increase, same would not require revised plans to be submitted in their own right; and
c. the final wording of the informative being delegated to the Divisional Director of Planning, Housing and Climate Emergency. |
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