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Introduction to the Constitution and how the Council operates pdf icon PDF 236 KB


Articles of the Constitution

Article 1 - The Constitution pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Article 2 - Members of the Council pdf icon PDF 206 KB

Article 3 - Local People and the Council pdf icon PDF 182 KB

Article 4 - The Council pdf icon PDF 206 KB

Article 5 - Overview and Scrutiny pdf icon PDF 206 KB

Article 6 - The Leader and Cabinet pdf icon PDF 208 KB

Article 7 - Regulatory and other Committees pdf icon PDF 174 KB

Article 8 - Community Involvement pdf icon PDF 187 KB

Article 9 - Joint Arrangements pdf icon PDF 190 KB

Article 10 - Officers pdf icon PDF 202 KB

Article 11 - Decision-making pdf icon PDF 200 KB

Article 12 - Finance, Contracts and Legal Matters pdf icon PDF 188 KB

Article 13 - Review and Revision of the Constitution pdf icon PDF 190 KB

Article 14 - Suspension, Interpretation and Publication of the Constitution pdf icon PDF 182 KB

Article 15 - Health and Wellbeing pdf icon PDF 209 KB

Schedule 1 - Description of Executive Arrangements pdf icon PDF 183 KB


Responsibility for Functions

Introduction to Responsibility for Functions pdf icon PDF 190 KB

Schedule 1 - Local Choice Functions pdf icon PDF 207 KB

Schedule 2 - Council Functions pdf icon PDF 390 KB

Schedule 3 - Circumstances in which Functions are not to be the Responsibility of the Executive pdf icon PDF 190 KB

Schedule 4 - Terms of Reference, Overview and Scrutiny Board, Regulatory, Area and Other Committees pdf icon PDF 290 KB

Schedule 5 - Scheme of Delegation of Executive Functions to the Cabinet, Cabinet Committees and Officers pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Schedule 6 - Officer Scheme of Delegation pdf icon PDF 362 KB

Schedule 7 - Proper Officers and Statutory Appointments pdf icon PDF 320 KB


Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

Standing Orders - Council Meetings pdf icon PDF 850 KB

Standing Orders - Committee and Sub-Committee Meetings pdf icon PDF 244 KB

Standing Orders - The Cabinet pdf icon PDF 228 KB

Standing Orders - Overview and Scrutiny pdf icon PDF 255 KB

Standing Orders - Access to Information pdf icon PDF 261 KB

Standing Orders - Budget and Policy Framework pdf icon PDF 237 KB

Standing Orders - Officer Employment pdf icon PDF 224 KB

Standing Orders - Health and Wellbeing Board pdf icon PDF 234 KB

Standing Orders - Remote/Hybrid Meetings pdf icon PDF 478 KB

Financial Regulations and Contracts Procedures pdf icon PDF 941 KB


Codes and Protocols

Code of Conduct for Members pdf icon PDF 581 KB

Code of Conduct for Employees pdf icon PDF 295 KB

Code of Corporate Governance pdf icon PDF 244 KB

Local Protocol on Member and Officer Relations pdf icon PDF 249 KB

Local Protocol on Relations between the Leader and Political Groups pdf icon PDF 345 KB

Local Protocol in relation to Group Assistants pdf icon PDF 227 KB

Local Protocol on External Advisors to Political Groups pdf icon PDF 206 KB

Local Protocol in relation to the Monitoring Officer pdf icon PDF 221 KB

Local Code of Good Practice for Members and Employees Involved in the Planning Process pdf icon PDF 416 KB

Local Code of Practice for Members and Officers dealing with Licensing Matters pdf icon PDF 273 KB

Local Protocol on Working Parties pdf icon PDF 210 KB

Local Protocol on Gifts and Hospitality pdf icon PDF 224 KB

Local Protocol on Members' IT pdf icon PDF 239 KB

Local Protocol for the Assessment and Determination of Allegations of Breaches of the Members Code of Conduct pdf icon PDF 282 KB

Local Protocol on Member Champions pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Local Protocol Consultation Arrangements with Town/Parish Councils and Neighbourhood Forums for Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 212 KB

Local Protocol DBS Checks for Members pdf icon PDF 208 KB

Local Protocol for Members of the Harbour Committee pdf icon PDF 219 KB

Local Protocol for Civic and Ceremonial pdf icon PDF 271 KB

Local Protocol Shadow Cabinet pdf icon PDF 162 KB

Local Protocol - Indemnity and Insurance for Members and Officers pdf icon PDF 206 KB


Members' Allowances Scheme and Job Descriptions for Members

Members' Allowances Scheme pdf icon PDF 247 KB

Job Descriptions pdf icon PDF 245 KB