Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Banking Hall, Castle Circus entrance on the left corner of the Town Hall, Castle Circus, Torquay, TQ1 3DR. View directions

Contact: Governance Support 

No. Item


Election of Chairman/woman

To elect a Chairman/woman for the meeting.


Councillor Barbara Lewis was elected as Chairman for the meeting.



To receive apologies for absence, including notifications of any changes to the membership of the Sub-Committee.


It was reported that the membership of the Sub-Committee had been amended for this meeting by including Councillor Douglas-Dunbar instead of Councillor Johns.


Geo Park Café, Esplanade, Paignton, TQ4 6ED pdf icon PDF 314 KB

To determine an application for a Premises Licence in respect of Geo Park Café, Esplanade, Paignton, TQ4 6ED.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report on a new application for a Premises Licence in respect of Geo Park Café, Esplanade, Paignton. 


Written Representations received from:




Date of Representation

Member of the Public

Written representation objecting to the application for a Premises Licence on the grounds of ‘The Prevention of Public Nuisance’.

27 March 2024


Written representation received from the Police, setting out suggested revisions to the wording and additional conditions for consideration should the application be granted.

11 March 2024


Oral Representations received from:




The Applicant’s Representative

The Applicant’s Representative outlined the application and responded to Members questions and confirmed that the Applicant agreed with the conditions outlined in the written representation submitted by the Police on 11 March 2024.




That the application in respect of Geo Park Cafe, Esplanade Road, Paignton, be granted as applied for, subject to the additional conditions proposed by the Police and agreed by the Applicant, with the following condition to be amended –


Promotion of public safety


shall now read ‘customers will not be permitted to remove from the premises any alcoholic drinks supplied by the premises.  Clear and legible signage will be placed in prominent positions to inform customers.


The collection of receptacles shall be undertaken at regular intervals to ensure there is no build-up of empties in and around the premises.’ 


And with the following condition to be added:


Clear and legible signage must be placed in a prominent position to state that no alcohol is kept overnight on the premises.’ 




Reasons for decision


Having carefully considered all the written and oral representations, Members unanimously resolved to grant the Premises Licence, having been satisfied that the conditions proposed by the Police and accepted by the Applicant, along with the additional condition, were sufficiently comprehensive and robust for this type of premises, and promoted the Licensing Objectives.


Members were reassured by the Applicant’s oral submission and how the premises had operated with the maximum permitted Temporary Event Notices in the previous two years without incident or complaint, and considered the premises to be well managed with regular monitoring of the exits points to ensure that drinks were not taken off the premises, and sufficient staff numbers for the size of the establishment.


However, with careful consideration of each additional condition put forward by the Police and accepted by the Applicant, Members resolved to tighten the condition around removal of alcoholic drinks from the premises, noting that the Application did not include off sales of alcohol.


In addition, having considered the concerns raised by the Interested Party, whilst Members could not be satisfied that the alcohol seen to be consumed on the beach was purchased and removed from the premises, or that the litter complained of was wholly attributable to the premises, Members hoped that clarification of this condition would alleviate those concerns raised.


Members were concerned regarding any overnight storage of alcohol at the premises and how due to the nature of the premises, this could  ...  view the full minutes text for item 36.