Agenda and minutes

Venue: Meadfoot Room - Town Hall

Contact: Governance Support 

No. Item




It was reported that, in accordance with the wishes of the Conservative Group, the membership of the Sub-Board had been amended to include Councillor Maddison in place of Councillor Bryant.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 364 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board held on 14 September 2023.


The minutes of the meeting of the Sub-Board held on 14 September 2023 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Spotlight Review on Homelessness in Torbay pdf icon PDF 222 KB

Introduction to the Spotlight Review by Councillor Patrick Joyce, Chairman of the Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board.








13.       Spotlight Review on Homelessness in Torbay


The Chairman introduced the Spotlight Review on Homelessness which was highlighted as a priority by Overview and Scrutiny Members when setting the scrutiny work programmes for the Municipal Year.  The scope and Agenda were very focussed with a view to identifying practical and achievable recommendations.


The key aims and objectives of the Review were to:


·         better understand how homelessness could be prevented in Torbay;

·         how people could be helped;

·         how people were assisted into accommodation and how people were supported when in accommodation;

·         to identify whether existing pathways and systems in place to prevent homelessness could be improved in Torbay and how; and

·         to identify and target specific areas for more detailed scrutiny investigation.


The Chairman thanked both guest speakers for attending and officers for arranging visits to the Leonard Stocks Hostel and the temporary accommodation facility at Morgan Avenue.  Members had found the visits extremely helpful and informative and had gained much more knowledge and understanding of the valuable work that was undertaken at both facilities.


As a result of the visit to Morgan Avenue, the Chair of the Voluntary Sector Network agreed that they would arrange for mentors to attend for one to two days a week to provide people with help and advice.


Introduction and Overview of Services


The Divisional Director of Community and Customer Services provided Members with an introduction and overview of services.  It was recognised that the response to homelessness and the housing crisis could not be solved in isolation.  The focus for today was around individuals’, impact and the challenges faced by services.  The Council’s Housing Options and Rough Sleeper Outreach Teams worked very closely together to address both homelessness and street homelessness.


Members were informed that the guest speakers would cover how Housing Options and Outreach Teams worked in partnership with other organisations in responding to Homelessness; the impact of homelessness on mental health  and details of people’s experiences from a voluntary sector perspective.  A lot of data had been provided in the written reports submitted which would allow an inform conversation around challenges to services and potential areas for improvement.  It was recognised that there were a multitude of agencies involved in tackling homelessness and that assistance was also provided by co-located Police Officers and now there was also healthcare provision available at the Leonard Stocks Hotel. Therefore those in attendance represent a small number of those that assist.


The Council's Response to Homelessness


The Head of Housing Needs spoke to Members about the Council’s current response to Homelessness with a specific focus on why people become homeless; prevention challenges and what temporary accommodation looked like in Torbay.


It was recognised that rough sleeping was the most obvious visual element but that homelessness does touch other individuals and families in the community.


Members were informed that there were different elements in the Council’s response to homelessness and there were different stages to homelessness applications with different considerations.  For applications where the criteria for a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.