Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Forum, Riviera International Conference Centre, Chestnut Avenue, Torquay, TQ2 5LZ

Contact: June Gurry 


No. Item


Opening of meeting


The meeting was opened with a prayer.


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Johns and Pentney.


Election of The Worshipful The Mayor of Torbay

To elect The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay for the 2023/2024 Municipal Year.


Councillor David Thomas proposed and Councillor Joyce seconded a motion, which was agreed (unanimously) by the Council as follows:


that Councillor Spacagna be elected The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay for the Municipal Year 2023/20224.


(The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay, Councillor Spacagna, in the Chair)


The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay took the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and Oath of Allegiance and thanked the Council for the honour bestowed upon him.


The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay announced that Mr Christopher Ashfield would be his Consort during his term of office and his charities would be Rowcroft and Torbay Hospital League of Friends.  The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay advised that he had appointed Father Paul Jones of All Saints Church, Babbacombe, Torquay, to be his Chaplain.


Retiring Civic Mayor


Councillor Law proposed and Councillor Bye seconded a motion, which was agreed (unanimously) by the Council as set out below:


that the Council express its sincere thanks and appreciation to Councillor Mandy Darling and Miss Lily Beckett for the manner in which they have carried out their duties during their term of office.


Election of Deputy Civic Mayor

To elect the Deputy Civic Mayor of the Council for the 2023/2024 Municipal Year.


Councillor Bryant proposed and Councillor Strang seconded a motion, which was agreed (unanimously) by the Council as follows:


that Councillor Stevens be elected The Deputy Civic Mayor for the Municipal Year 2023/2024.


The Deputy Civic Mayor of the Council took the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and thanked the Council for the honour bestowed upon her.


The Deputy Civic Mayor also announced that Mr Ian Stevens would be her Escort during her term of office.


Retiring Deputy Civic Mayor


Councillor Amil proposed and Councillor Steve Darling seconded a motion, which was agreed (unanimously) by the Council as set out below:


that the Council express its sincere thanks and appreciation to Mrs Cecilia Brown and Mr Trevor Brown for the manner in which they have carried out their duties during their term of office as Deputy Civic Mayor and Deputy Civic Mayor’s escort.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 597 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council and Adjourned Council held on 7 March and 29 March 2023.

Additional documents:


The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay proposed (having viewed the meetings on YouTube) and Councillor Mandy Darling seconded a motion, which was agreed (unanimously) by the Council as set out below:


that the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 7 March 2023 and adjourned meeting of the Council held on 29 March 2023 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay.


Election of Leader of the Council

To elect the Leader of the Council for a four year term until May 2027.


Councillor Chris Lewis proposed and Councillor Tranter seconded a motion, which was agreed by the Council as follows:


that Councillor David Thomas be elected Leader of the Council.



To consider adjourning the meeting until 5.30 pm on Thursday, 25 May 2023 to deal with the remainder of the business as set out in the separate agenda.


At this juncture the meeting was adjourned until 5.30 pm on Thursday 25 May 2023.