Issue - meetings

Budget Monitoring 2023/24 - April to June 2023 Revenue and Capital Outturn Forecast

Meeting: 20/09/2023 - Council (Item 40)

40 Budget Monitoring 2023/24 - April to June 2023 Revenue and Capital Outturn Forecast pdf icon PDF 785 KB

To consider the recommendation of the Cabinet and a report that provides a high-level budget summary of the Council’s revenue and capital position for the financial year 2023/24, comparing budgets with year-end forecasts.

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The Council received the submitted report on the high-level budget summary of the Council’s revenue and capital income and expenditure for quarter 2 of 2023/24 financial year and the Cabinet’s recommendations.  It was noted the revenue budget was predicting an overspend of £1.5 million primarily due to external pressures arising from the current economic situation, including the cost of inflation and levels of income. 


The submitted report included recommendations for underwriting Coombe Pafford School and new projects to be added to the Council’s Capital Programme.


Councillor Tyerman proposed and Councillor Billings seconded a motion, which was agreed (unanimously) by the Council as set out below:


that Council approves:


1.         the underwriting arrangements for Combe Pafford School as detailed in paragraphs 4.17-19 of the submitted report; and


2.         the addition of the following projects (as set out in paragraphs 8.4 of the submitted report) to the current capital programme:


·                refurbishment of the changing rooms at Armada Park sports facilities at Torquay;

·                scaling up the delivery of local charge points for electric vehicles;

·                Shiphay Lane Active Travel works;  and

·                renovation of tennis courts at St Marys, Oldway and Abbey Park.

Meeting: 19/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 34)

34 Budget Monitoring 2023/24 - April to June 2023 Revenue and Capital Outturn Forecast pdf icon PDF 785 KB

To consider a report that provides a high-level budget summary of the Council’s revenue and capital position for the financial year 2023/24, comparing budgets with year-end forecasts.

Additional documents: