Issue - meetings


Meeting: 08/12/2022 - Council (Item 54)


To receive any communications or announcements from the:

Ø  Civic Mayor, to include the presentation of Long Service Certificate Awards;

Ø  Leader of the Council;

Ø  Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinator;

Ø  Council’s representative on the Heart of the South West Joint Committee; and

Ø  Chief Executive.


The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay and the Chief Executive presented long service certificates to both councillors and officers.  The following councillors and officers received certificatesin recognition of their dedication to public service in Torbay:


Councillor Carter

Councillor Steve Darling

Councillor Hill

Councillor Manning

Councillor Morey

Councillor David Thomas



Joanne Adkins

Lindsay Amiotti

Jon Bell

Robert Boswell

Jill Brooker

Tracy Brooks

Teresa Buckley

Janice Davies

Julie Dearson

Emma Dudley

June Gurry

Mandy Guy

Natalie Johns

Nikki Passmore

Kathryn Phillips

Gina Powell

Sarah Ridalls

Debbie Roache

Sharon Simpson

Kate Spencer

Denise Thomas

Mary Walker

Catherine Williams

Robert Williams


The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay provided an update on:


a)   her attendance at a number of Remembrance services held in Torquay and Paignton;


b)   the recent Civic coffee morning which raised funds for the Civic Mayoral charities;


c)   Civic Mayoral visits to clinics and hospitals to thank those working within the health service and social care;  and


d)   the forthcoming Civic Carol concert due to be held on 9 December 2022 and encouraged members to attend.


The Leader of the Council advised that the recent meeting of the Heart of the South West Joint Committee held on 2 December 2022 was not quorate and had been adjourned.


With the agreement of The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay, the Leader of the Council requested the following Cabinet Members to provide communications on his behalf.


The Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Environment and Culture referred to a number of achievements and improvements to services provided by SWISCo, which were highlighted at a recent all councillor visit to SWISCo.  The Cabinet Member also referred to the new garden waste collection service which was working well since its introduction.


The Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration, Tourism and Housing provided an update on the progress of a number of projects including Torre Marine, St Kildas, Debenhams, Crossways and Tweenaway Cross.


The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services referred to Children’s Services Learning Academy being shortlisted as one of four national finalists at the recent Children and Young People Now awards for workforce development and congratulated those involved. 


The Chief Executive led a minute’s silence for Margaret Smith, a serving member of staff, who had sadly passed away.