Issue - meetings


Meeting: 09/12/2021 - Council (Item 247)


To receive any communications or announcements from the:


·         Civic Mayor – this will include a community presentation – Britain in Bloom for Torbay;

·         Leader of the Council;

·         Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinator;

·         Council’s representative on the Heart of the South West Joint Committee; and

·         Chief Executive.


The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay welcomed Tim Eley to the meeting on behalf of Torbay in Bloom.  Mr Eley gave a presentation on the Britain in Bloom South West Awards achieved for Torbay.  On behalf of the Council, the Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay thanked all those involved who won awards for Torbay and for their excellent effort.


On behalf of the Council, the Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay also thanked all those residents of Torbay who undertook the London Marathon on 3 October 2021 raising money for charity, in particular:

-       Scott Green who ran 250 miles from Torquay to Trafalgar Square leading up to the event, raising money for the mental health charity Mind;  and

-       Simon Singleton who, in addition to the London Marathon, had completed a number of marathons to raise money for UK hospices.


The Leader of the Council:


a)         also thanked Mr Eley for his presentation and referred to the learning and opportunities arising from the awards which would enhance the Council’s work with the community;


b)         updated the Council on his attendance, as the Council’s representative, at the Heart of the South West Joint Committee held on 1 October 2021 including:

·         the appointment of Chairman (Councillor Cllr Val Keitch) and Vice-Chairman (Cllr Nick Kelly)

·         Coastal Productivity work

·         the impact in recent months on the South West’s economy and that the region was one of the hardest hit by skills shortages e.g. HGV drivers and hospitality

·         Housing Task Force and the issue of housing shortages;


c)         referred to a recent meeting he had held with the Chief Executive and the Chief Executive of Live West to discuss opportunities for housing within Torbay;


d)         thanked the Dartmouth Steam Railway for supporting the Christmas Train of Light trip for Torbay’s vulnerable children and advised that this type of event progressed the Council’s aspirations for a child friendly Torbay; and


e)         referred to the ‘pay for hour stay for the day’ parking offer to support local businesses and encouraged members to support local businesses in light of the challenges they faced with the growth of online sales arising from the Covid pandemic.