Issue - meetings

Land to the South East of 39 Wall Park Road, Brixham

Meeting: 19/07/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 54)

Land to the South East of 39 Wall Park Road, Brixham


The Committee reconsidered an outline application for 3 dwelling houses and associated improvements to the private access lane serving the site, with all matters reserved.

Members noted that a resolution to approval the proposals had been made in September 2020 but that officers now advised that, due to land ownership issues and amended advice from the Council’s ecological consultants, the terms of the proposed planning obligation needed to be amended.

Prior to the meeting, Members of the Planning Committee undertook a virtual site visit and written representations were available on the Council’s Website.

At the meeting Sally King addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Approved subject to:

(i)        the conditions set out in the submitted report (update July 2021) subject to the removal of the following paragraph from condition 14

The LEMP shall also include details of the legal and funding mechanism(s) by which the long-term implementation of the plan will be secured by the developer with the management body(s) responsible for its delivery.

(ii)        the completion of a S106 Legal Agreement to secure off-site Affordable Housing contributions in accordance with the adopted ‘Planning Contributions and Affordable Housing’ Supplementary Planning Document, and contributions to mitigate the recreational impacts of the development on Berry Head, in accordance with the adopted ‘Recreational Pressure on Berry Head’ Supplementary Planning Document, on terms acceptable to officers;

(iii)       the final drafting of conditions being delegated to the Assistant Director of Planning, Housing and Climate Emergency; and

(iv)       the resolution of any new material considerations that may come to light following Planning Committee to be delegated to the Assistant Director of Planning, Housing and Climate Emergency, including the addition of any necessary further planning conditions or obligations.