Issue - meetings


Meeting: 29/07/2021 - Council (Item 220)


To receive any communications or announcements from the Civic Mayor, the Leader of the Council, the Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinator, the Council’s representative on the Heart of the South West Joint Committee or the Chief Executive.


The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay advised members that he attended the Annual Formal Reception at RAF Brise Norton on 19 July 2021.  The event was held to offer thanks to the Council for our ongoing support of RAF Brise Norton.


The Leader of the Council:


a)         advised members that the Tourism Business Improvement District (BID) ballot was successful and provided an exciting opportunity for partnership work between the Tourism BID Company and the Council.  The Tourism BID would particularly drive events and environmental responsibility for tourism;


b)         highlighted that Torbay hosted a visit by the Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall Police.  During the visit, the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive presented Torbay’s hopes and challenges and included a walk around Torquay Town Centre, involving the Chamber of Trade, key businesses and Leonard Stocks.  He advised that the Council was looking to work with the Police and other agencies to drive improvements in Torbay’s town centres, particularly tackling anti-social behaviour, through partnership working;  and


c)         was pleased to announce that Torbay had been shortlisted for the Local Government Chronical Awards for positive change in Children’s Services.  The Leader of the Council thanked the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, the Chief Executive, Director of Children’s Services and all councillors for working together for positive change for Children’s Services.  The winners would be announced at the award ceremony on 4 November 2021.


The Chief Executive led a minute’s silence for two serving members of staff, Christine Higgs and Rob Harmes who had sadly passed away.