Issue - meetings

Revenue Budget Monitoring 2011/12 Quarter 3

Meeting: 01/03/2012 - Council (Item 581)

581 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2011/12 (Quarter 3) pdf icon PDF 129 KB

To consider the attached report and any recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Board on revenue budget monitoring.

Additional documents:


The Council noted the current projected outturn for the Revenue Budget 2011/2012 based on quarter 2 information, as set out in the submitted report.

Meeting: 15/02/2012 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 562)

562 Performance Overview and Monitoring 2011/12 - Quarter 3 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider the Revenue Budget Monitoring 2011/12 Report Quarter 3.

Additional documents:


The Board considered reports setting out the performance of the Council for the third quarter of 2010/2011 and the current position of the Revenue Budget and the Capital Plan Budget.


The Board asked the Executive Lead for Children, Schools and Families about those areas in the Performance Overview and Monitoring Report which were highlighted as “Well Below Target”.  There were concerns from some members of the Board that performance was still not improving.


The Executive Lead informed them that there were more areas showing as either “Well Above Target”, “Above Target” or “On Target” that there were “Well Below Target” but that there was a recovery plan in place for the future.


The Board highlighted that performance in relation to vulnerable children had deteriorated this year.  The Executive Lead informed the Board that there are a record number of Looked After Children in Torbay.  It would take time for the improvements within the Recovery Plan to take place but that performance was monitored at the Improvement Board with monthly reports also being made to the Minister.  The Board also heard that new social workers had been recruited and they were performing well.


The Board questioned which areas identified as below target were prioritised for immediate improvement.  It was noted that every area would receive attention and that the service was doing its best to improve.


In relation to the Human Resources section of the Performance Report, the Board requested more information on the benchmarking of staff sickness and questioned why staffing numbers have decreased in some areas but that costs had increased.


The Board went on to question the reasons for the overspend of £70,000 at Parkfield.  The Executive Lead for Children, Schools and Families explained that additional costs were accrued due to the moving of the BMX track because of badgers making their home in the planned area.


It was suggested by a Member of the Board that more information should be sent out to homes regarding the new recycling scheme and that this could possibly be done by sending leaflets with Council Tax bills.  The Board was informed that this would be costly, that the Council had already sent out 80,000 leaflets and that residents could get more information from Community Partnerships.




That the Overview and Scrutiny Board recommend:


(i)            That there be improved management of the Capital Programme.


(ii)           That Capital Slippage be brought to the Mayors attention for improvement.


(iii)          That information be provided on how the overspend on the Parkfield project is being financed from funds originally allocated to Ellacombe and further request this information is provided to the Board.