Issue - meetings

Financial Issues

Meeting: 30/11/2017 - Schools Forum (Item 6)

6 Higher Needs recovery plan pdf icon PDF 152 KB


Andy Dempsey, Director of Children’s Services, shared with members the Local Authority’s gratitude on their decision of virement, as agreed at the previous Schools Forum. It was recognised that Disapplication would not have been credible at this time, and a proposal to carry over budget pressure into 2018/19 was discussed.


The number of RSAs in Torbay are increasing, creating a significant pressure on the Higher Needs Block of the DSG. With the average age of children on EHCPs also getting younger each year, member queried whether Health colleagues could be more involved in the RSA process, to ensure that children are being diagnosed correctly.


It was felt that greater analysis of the problem was required, and a Working Party will be set up to address this in greater detail.


Action – AD & RW to establish working party, circulate Terms of Reference and distribute to forum members before next meeting. (MF to add this to January’s agenda).


Action – AD & RW to collaborate with Health Colleagues, seeking greater contribution towards the RSA process.