Issue - meetings

76 Warbro Road, St Marychurch, Torquay, TQ1 3PS - P/2016/0371/PA

Meeting: 08/08/2016 - Development Management Committee (Note - this committee was replaced by the Planning Committee from 6/5/19) (Item 23)

23 76 Warbro Road, St Marychurch, Torquay, TQ1 3PS - P/2016/0371/PA pdf icon PDF 55 KB

Change of use from Class B1 to B2 in order to establish an MOT testing station, including installation of an MOT lift (additional information received 20 July 2016).


The Committee considered an application for the change of use from printers’ workshop to MOT testing station, including installation of an MOT lift (additional information received 20 July 2016).


Prior to the meeting, Members of the Development Management Committee undertook a site visit and written representations were circulated to Members.  At the meeting Jacqueline Blenkinsop addressed the Committee against the application.




Refused, for the reasons set out in the submitted report.