Issue - meetings

P/2014/0141/MPA - Riviera Bay Holiday Park, Mudstone Lane, Brixham

Meeting: 13/10/2014 - Development Management Committee (Note - this committee was replaced by the Planning Committee from 6/5/19) (Item 46)

46 P/2014/0141/MPA - Riviera Bay Holiday Park, Mudstone Lane, Brixham pdf icon PDF 173 KB

Revised plans; Demolition of all existing holiday chalet units (185 total); existing facilities building; staff accommodation building; and two separate buildings used for storage on part of the Riviera Bay Holiday Park.  Proposed development of 75 new self-catering holiday lodges; new ancillary management building including shop, cafe/bar and gym room; laying out of 194 car parking spaces to serve the redeveloped Holiday Park; and associated mitigation works including construction of a bat barn.  Development of two residential properties (Use Class C3) at the corner of Douglas Avenue and Mudstone Lane, to be accessed from Mudstone Lane. This application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement.


The Committee considered a full application for:


(i)         the demolition of all existing holiday chalet units (185 total); existing facilities building; staff accommodation building; and two separate buildings used for storage on part of the Riviera Bay Holiday Park;


(ii)        proposed development of 72 new self-catering holiday lodges; new ancillary management building including shop, cafe/bar and gym room; laying out of 180 car parking spaces to serve the redeveloped holiday park; and associated mitigation works, including construction of a bat barn; and


(iii)       development of two residential properties (use Class C3) at the corner of Douglas Avenue and Mudstone Lane, to be accessed from Mudstone Lane. 


It was noted this application was accompanied by an Environmental Statement.


Prior to the meeting, Members of the Development Management Committee undertook a site visit and written representations were circulated to members.  At the meeting Mr Keith Fenwick addressed the Committee in support of the application and Councillor Harland from Brixham Town Council also addressed the Committee.




Approved subject to:


(i)       resolution of the outstanding issues with Natural England including agreement to the Appropriate Assessment.  In the event that that agreement by Natural England is not reached the application to be referred back to the Development Management Committee;


(ii)      the completion of a Section 106 Agreement being signed within three months of the date of this Committee, or the application be refused; and


(iii)     the final determination of appropriate conditions being delegated to the Director of Place to include, but not limited to, the conditions set out in the submitted report and additional conditions relating to removal of lodges, drainage and monitoring of coastal erosion/stability.


(Note:  Prior to consideration of application P/2014/0141/MPA, Councillor Tyerman declared a non-pecuniary interest as a Trustee of Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust.)