Issue - meetings


Meeting: 12/12/2013 - Transport Working Party (Item 134)

134 Minutes from meeting held on 24th October 2013 pdf icon PDF 101 KB


            Councillor Cowell asked if there was any update on the possible disbandment of the Transport Working Party as detailed in minute 131 – Any Other Business, Budgets.  Councillor Hill advised this item will be presented to the Transport Working Party in the New Year and Patrick Carney highlighted that this does form part of the Mayor’s budget proposals.


            Councillor Doggett asked if Patrick Carney and Councillor Hill have formally responded to Mrs Hill as per minute 126 – Traffic Calming in Maidenway Road – Petition.  Patrick Carney confirmed a formal response has been sent.


            The minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record.


            Proposed by: Cllr Brooksbank

            Seconded by: Cllr Addis


            In favour: All

