Appointments to Council Committees, Working Parties and Appointment of Committee Chairmen/women and Vice-Chairmen/women for 2024/2025
Meeting: 20/06/2024 - Council (Item 19)
To consider a report that seeks to appoint the Council’s committees, working parties, Chairmen/women and Vice-Chairmen/women.
Additional documents:
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 1, item 19
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 2, item 19
PDF 148 KB
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 3, item 19
PDF 301 KB
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 4, item 19
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 3 NAMES, item 19
PDF 304 KB
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 4 NAMES, item 19
- Appointment to Committtee, Chair and Vice-Chair 19.6.24, item 19
PDF 359 KB
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 1 19.6.24, item 19
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 2 19.06.24, item 19
PDF 159 KB
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 3 19.6.24, item 19
PDF 292 KB
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 4 19.6.24, item 19
PDF 183 KB
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 1 20.6.24, item 19
- Appointments to Committees, WP etc Cross Party Amendment, item 19
PDF 218 KB
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 3 Final Version 2, item 19
PDF 296 KB
- Appointments to Committees etc Cross Party Amendment, item 19
PDF 219 KB
- Leader of the Council Motion Appointment to Committees etc., item 19
PDF 112 KB
The Council considered the submitted report on the annual appointment of committees, working parties, Chairman/women and Vice-Chairman/women and the allocation of seats in accordance with political balance. The report set out political balance following passing of Councillor Joyce and the subsequent by-election for the Wellswood Ward. The report also requested the Council to appoint an Independent Member to the Audit Committee. A revised Appendix 1 and an updated Appendix 3 (which included Group Leaders nominations) was circulated prior to the meeting.
Councillor David Thomas proposed and Councillor Chris Lewis seconded a motion, as set out below:
1. that the overall political balance of the committees as set out at Appendix 1 to the submitted report be approved;
2. that, in accordance with the Local Protocol for Working Parties, the overall political balance of working parties as set out in Appendix 2 to the submitted report be approved;
3. that, subject to 1. and 2. above, the Terms of Reference and membership for the Council’s Committee’s and working parties be approved as set out in Appendix 3 to the submitted report;
4. That, subject to 3. above being approved, nominations from Group Leaders be received to fill the seats on the committees;
5. That, subject to 3. above, the Chairmen/women and Vice-Chairmen/women of those Committee’s be approved as set out in revised Appendix 4 to the submitted report, circulated on 19 June 2024, subject to the following:
Councillor Penny to replace Councillor Maddison as Chair of the Audit Committee
Vice-Chair of Harbour Committee: Councillor Twelves
Vice-Chair of Statutory Licensing Committee and Regulatory Committee: Councillor Foster
Vice-Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Board: Councillor Tolchard
Chair of Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Board (Sub-Committee of Overview and Scrutiny): Councillor Law
Vice-Chair of Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board (Sub-Committee of Overview and Scrutiny): Councillor Johns
Vice-Chair of Standards Committee: Councillor Chris Lewis;
6. that, a sub-committee of both the Statutory Licensing Committee and Regulatory Committee be established both to comprise three Members of the relevant Statutory Licensing Committee or Regulatory Committee;
7. that both the Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee and Regulatory Sub-Committee be exempted from the rules of committee proportionality as defined in the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and supporting regulations;
8. that Members’ Allowance Scheme be updated to reflect the changes to the Licensing Committee with the SRA being the same for both Committees and Sub-Committees;
9. that the Head of Governance Support be authorised to empanel Members from the Statutory Licensing Committee and Regulatory Committee to serve on the Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee and Regulatory Sub-Committee as and when required; and
10. that Mr Kristian Hawkes be appointed as the Independent Member to the Audit Committee effective from 27 March 2024, that the effectiveness of the Independent Member be kept under review by the Director of Finance in consultation with the Chairman of the Audit Committee and Head of Devon Audit Partnership.
During the debate, Councillors Law, Johns and Penny raised a Point of ... view the full minutes text for item 19
Meeting: 16/05/2024 - Council (Item 7.)
To consider a report that seeks to appoint the Council’s committees, working parties, Chairmen/women and Vice-Chairmen/women.
Additional documents:
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 1, item 7.
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 2, item 7.
PDF 148 KB
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 3, item 7.
PDF 301 KB
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 4, item 7.
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 3 NAMES, item 7.
PDF 304 KB
- Appointment to Committee and Chair and Vice-Chair Appendix 4 NAMES, item 7.
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