Decision details

Next Steps Properties at Ryan Place

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


1.         That the two properties owned by Torbay Council at Ryan Place, 62 St Marychurch Road, Torquay be disposed of as soon as the properties become vacant; and


2.         That the Chief Executive be given delegated authority to use the money from the sales of the two properties at Ryan Place to purchase new properties for Next Steps accommodation, in compliance with the original grant criteria.

Reasons for the decision:

The reason for the proposal is to dispose of the properties when they next become available, in order to acquire alternative more appropriate locations which will provide Next Steps residents the opportunity to succeed whilst minimising impact upon others.

Alternative options considered:

The Council could continue to provide Next Steps accommodation at Ryan Place, however the level of impact on other residents at Ryan Place would remain significant and it would not provide Next Steps residents with an environment in which they will have the best opportunity of achieving stability to enable them to successfully move into fully independent housing. Whilst measures to lessen the impact on other residents at Ryan Place have been adopted through the introduction of a sensitive letting policy, this has not significantly altered the impact on the other residents.


In light of this, it is considered that the most appropriate option is to dispose of the two properties and acquire accommodation elsewhere.


This decision will come into force and may be implemented on 28 May 2024 unless the call-in procedure is triggered (as set out in the Standing Orders in relation to Overview and Scrutiny).


The Council were successful in obtaining Government Grant through the Next Steps Accommodation Programme (NSAP), through which 14 properties were acquired. The overall objective of NSAP is to reduce rough sleeping, with a focus on the successful resettlement and recovery of those who have a long and/or repeat history of rough sleeping or are at risk of the same. Tenancies under the scheme are for a maximum of two years.


The delivery of the programme in Torbay has seen some great successes, providing tenants with the stability and support (provided by Bournemouth Churches Housing Association) to enable them to successfully move into fully independent housing.  However, the two properties at Ryan Place have resulted in significant impact upon other residents, and despite the introduction of a Sensitive Letting Policy, that impact is still felt.  As such it is proposed to dispose of these two properties as soon as they become vacant, replacing them with properties elsewhere.


At the meeting Councillor Tyerman proposed and David Thomas seconded a motion that was unanimously approved by the Cabinet, as set out above.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Publication date: 17/05/2024

Date of decision: 14/05/2024

Effective from: 25/05/2024

This decision has been called in by:

  • Councillor Swithin Long who writes 1. At the Cabinet meeting whilst assurances were sought that lessons had been learned from this programme, the Cabinet failed to outline what lessons had been learned and how the council in undertaking similar projects would avoid the challenges caused by this one. 2. The council needed to get permission from Homes England to put the Ryan Place properties on the market. How have we enhanced our relationships with Homes England in light of the above? "
  • Councillor Mike Fox who writes 1. At the Cabinet meeting whilst assurances were sought that lessons had been learned from this programme, the Cabinet failed to outline what lessons had been learned and how the council in undertaking similar projects would avoid the challenges caused by this one. 2. The council needed to get permission from Homes England to put the Ryan Place properties on the market. How have we enhanced our relationships with Homes England in light of the above?"
  • Councillor Christine Carter who writes 1. At the Cabinet meeting whilst assurances were sought that lessons had been learned from this programme, the Cabinet failed to outline what lessons had been learned and how the council in undertaking similar projects would avoid the challenges caused by this one. 2. The council needed to get permission from Homes England to put the Ryan Place properties on the market. How have we enhanced our relationships with Homes England in light of the above?"
  • Councillor Ras Virdee who writes 1. At the Cabinet meeting whilst assurances were sought that lessons had been learned from this programme, the Cabinet failed to outline what lessons had been learned and how the council in undertaking similar projects would avoid the challenges caused by this one. 2. The council needed to get permission from Homes England to put the Ryan Place properties on the market. How have we enhanced our relationships with Homes England in light of the above?"
  • Councillor Steve Darling who writes 1. At the Cabinet meeting whilst assurances were sought that lessons had been learned from this programme, the Cabinet failed to outline what lessons had been learned and how the council in undertaking similar projects would avoid the challenges caused by this one. 2. The council needed to get permission from Homes England to put the Ryan Place properties on the market. How have we enhanced our relationships with Homes England in light of the above?"