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Torbay Strategic Partnership

This page lists the meetings for Torbay Strategic Partnership. You can also view upcoming committee documents on your iPad, Android Device or Blackberry Playbook by downloading the free app.


Information about Torbay Strategic Partnership

The Torbay Strategic Partnership (”TSP”) has been established as a way to involve local people and organisations in shaping the future of Torbay.  The Partnership is designed to provide strategic direction on the development and implementation of the Community Plan.  A board and a forum meet periodically to guide the business and strategic direction of the partnership. Torbay Strategic Partnership is a network of people working together to shape the future of Torbay and is comprised of 13 members.


Use the link below to access agendas and minutes of previous meetings for the Torbay Strategic Partnership as well as officer reports that were discussed:


Agendas, reports and minutes