
Venue: Zoom Meeting - Virtual (meeting joining details can be found on the agenda frontsheet or agenda reports pack). View directions

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence, including notifications of any changes to the membership of the Review Panel.


Declarations of Interest

a)        To receive declarations of non pecuniary interests in respect of items on this agenda.


For reference: Having declared their non pecuniary interest members may remain in the meeting and speak and, vote on the matter in question. A completed disclosure of interests form should be returned to the Clerk before the conclusion of the meeting.


b)        To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests in respect of items on this agenda.


For reference: Where a Member has a disclosable pecuniary interest he/she must leave the meeting during consideration of the item. However, the Member may remain in the meeting to make representations, answer questions or give evidence if the public have a right to do so, but having done so the Member must then immediately leave the meeting, may not vote and must not improperly seek to influence the outcome of the matter. A completed disclosure of interests form should be returned to the Clerk before the conclusion of the meeting.


(Please Note: If Members and Officers wish to seek advice on any potential interests they may have, they should contact Governance Support or Legal Services prior to the meeting.)


Events pdf icon PDF 484 KB

1.            To consider the criteria for, enabling, delivering and funding events on Council owned land.


2.            To consider how the success of events is measured and evaluated.


3.            To consider if the Council and Destination Management Group has sufficient resources and capacity to deliver the Events Strategy and Destination Management Plan (DMP) and what opportunities there are to utilise resources from outside the Council.


4.            To consider how the Council uses data to inform decision making in relation to events.


Information Required:


·         The criteria for, enabling, delivering and funding events on Council owned land and evidence of how this has been used.

·         Details of how the success of events is measured and evaluated.

·         The resources of the Events Team and what other resources could help deliver the Events Strategy and DMP.

·         Details of the data used to inform decision making in relation to events.


Key Lines of Enquiry:


·         What are the criteria for, enabling, delivering and funding events on Council owned land and does this prohibit events that the Council may wish to support taking place and how has this been used to determine which events should go ahead?

·         How is the success of events measured and evaluated and does this make a difference to future events?

·         Does the Council and Destination Management Group have sufficient capacity to deliver the Events Strategy and DMP and who else could help deliver this?

·         How and what data is used to inform decision making in relation to events?

·         Are there other data sources which would provide greater benefits?

·         What data sources do other local authorities use?


Other background documents:


·         Responses to key lines of enquiry Events and Destination Management Plan

·         Events in Torbay a Guide for Organisations Appendix 1

·         Event Notification Procedures and Public Safety Advisory Group Appendix 2

·         Torbay Council English Riviera (Outdoor) Events Strategy 2021 – 2027,Council%20land%20by%20the%20Torbay%20Council%20Events%20Team.

·         English Riviera Destination Management Plan 2022 – 2030


Additional documents:


Communication and Engagement pdf icon PDF 361 KB

1.            Business benefits from tourism and culture and how they can help promote it.


2.            To consider how the Council engages and works with community and voluntary organisations on events.


3.         To consider what opportunities there are to facilitate benefits to our care experienced young people and foster families in respect of events.


Information Required:


·         Details of how the Council and English Riviera Business Improvement District (ERBID) communicate and engage with local businesses.

·         Details of how other local authorities engage with local businesses, community and voluntary sector organisations.


Key Lines of Enquiry:


·         How are businesses made aware of what is happening in Torbay from a tourism and culture perspective.

·         How are businesses able to engage with and influence tourism and culture activities.

·         How do other Councils engage with local businesses, community and voluntary sector organisations and what can be learned from this.

·         How can our local businesses and business leaders help promote tourism and culture.

·         How can we maximise opportunities to benefit our care experienced young people and foster families in respect of events.


Other background documents:


Response to Key Lines of Enquiry for Communication and Engagement.