On Monday 11 April 2016 a major milestone will be reached when traffic through Torre will be flowing in a different direction, providing a more direct access into Torquay Town Centre.

This will follow a road closure of Union Street, between Tramaton Avenue and Laburnham Row, on Sunday 10 April, which is need to enable some of the final works to be carried out.

The first part of this traffic reversal scheme has already seen the alteration of the traffic signal junction at Tor Hill Road and Abbey Road, which is locally known as Central Church. This now provides traffic leaving the Town Centre from Castle Circus the ability to turn right into Tor Hill Road.

The reversal of traffic flow within Torre has been an aspiration of the local traders and community groups for many years, and has been made possible with support and funding from the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

Councillor Mark King, Executive Lead for Planning, Transport and Housing said: “It is great news that this well wanted scheme reaches the major milestone of the flow of traffic being reversed through Torre. Once completed, the scheme will see traffic being able to get into Torre and the Town Centre more easily; reducing delays, congestion and improving air quality. Pedestrians and cyclists will also benefit from new crossings and opportunities for improved routes

“The changes to the one-way system may of course cause some confusion to drivers, pedestrians and bus passengers while everyone is getting used to the way the traffic flows. I highly advise that everyone coming into Torre and Torquay town centre in the next few weeks familiarises themselves with the new arrangements.”

Following the reversal of traffic a number of further improvements will still need to take place. These will take place with minimal disruption to traffic flow.

To see a map on how the traffic will be directed into the town centre visit: www.torbay.gov.uk/highwayimprovement/torre-reversal-moving-tro-changes.pdf

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