Outside body



This is a permanent body set up by Torbay Council to work in association with, and to represent, sports clubs in Torbay.


The objectives of the Sports Council shall be:


a)         To review, or assist in the reviewing of, existing sports and recreational facilities in the area.


b)         To assess, or assist in an assessment of, the present and future needs of the community in sport and recreation, and to advise on, and help in catering for those needs.


c)         To promote co-operative action in planning or replanning sports and recreational provision to serve the needs of the community generally.


d)         To bring about co-operation between national, regional and local statutory and voluntary bodies in the area, and to encourage the exercise of all statutory and other powers by which sports facilities can be provided.


e)         To put forward the collective opinion of local sports interests on matters relating to the use of existing facilities and the planning of future facilities.


f)          To promote and assist in the publication of an up-to-date record of all local sporting organisations and facilities.


g)         To take appropriate steps to encourage school leavers to continue an active participation in sport and recreation.


h)         To receive and consider reports, comments and recommendations for individuals and organisations on matters concerning sport and recreation, and to make appropriate recommendations to the appropriate bodies.


i)          To make recommendations to any regional committee which might be formed or to any other appropriate body, on the provision of major recreational facilities designed to serve the needs of the region in which the Council operates.


j)          To seek grant aid for any purpose approved by and consistent with the objectives of the Sports Council.


k)         To promote or assist in promoting sporting activities, competitions, tournaments, championships or other events as seems desirable to the Sports Council.

Contact information

Jim Parker

Our representatives